ROS 初学者终极指南:TurtleBot3 和机器人
课程售价: 2.9 元
1. Getting Started with ROS Noetic
- 1. ROS Workflow for Custom Robotics Projects (免费)
- 2. Installing and path setup ROS Noetic in UBUNTU 20.04 (免费)
- 3. Software Setup and Workspace Setup
- 4. Package Creation for our course
- 5. ROS Nodes basics , Publisher and Subscriber
- 6. Python Programming for Basic Nodes
- 7. Getting More Information about our Nodes Communication
- 9. Lets discuss coffee's recipe
- 10. Programming Nodes for our Beloved Coffee
- 11. ROS static Publisher from a terminal
2. Starter Turtlesim Package
3. New package TurtleBot3 Mobile Robot
4. Creating Custom Dolly Package
5. This Section is Hardware implemented with ROS Kinetic (OLD - soon Updating)
5个章节 , 33个讲座
1. Getting Started with ROS Noetic
- 1. ROS Workflow for Custom Robotics Projects (免费)
- 2. Installing and path setup ROS Noetic in UBUNTU 20.04 (免费)
- 3. Software Setup and Workspace Setup
- 4. Package Creation for our course
- 5. ROS Nodes basics , Publisher and Subscriber
- 6. Python Programming for Basic Nodes
- 7. Getting More Information about our Nodes Communication
- 9. Lets discuss coffee's recipe
- 10. Programming Nodes for our Beloved Coffee
- 11. ROS static Publisher from a terminal