Web 开发非常简单 - 速成课程
课程售价: 2.9 元
- 1. Introduction to HTML (免费)
- 2. HTML Document Structure (免费)
- 3. Head Tag
- 4. Basic Text Formatting
- 5. Creating our first HTML file
- 6. Headings and Paragraphs
- 7. Links (Anchor Tags)
- 8. Images (Img Tag)
- 9. Lists (Unordered and Ordered)
- 10. Input Controls (Text, Password, Radio, Checkbox, Date, Time etc)
- 11. Extra date input controls (week, month)
- 12. Range input control
- 13. Combo box List box (select Tag)
- 14. Text Areas
- 15. Forms (Form Tag)
- 16. Buttons (Submit, Reset)
- 17. Audio Video controls
- 18. HTML Comments
- 19. !DOCTYPE html html5 standard
- 20. script Tag
3. PHP
- 1. Introduction to PHP
- 2. Enabling libraries
- 3. Basic output
- 4. Data types, Variables, Constants
- 5. Type-Casting
- 6. Comments in PHP, C++, JavaScript
- 7. Arrays
- 8. Decision making (if-else) - Concepts
- 9. Decision making - Implementation (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
- 10. Operators (Comparison, Logical, Arithmetic)
- 11. Increment, Decrement operators
- 12. switch-case (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
- 13. Loops in PHP, C++, JavaScript
- 14. for - Loop
- 15. foreach -Loop
- 16. while - Loop
- 17. do-while - Loop
- 18. String manipulation - basics
- 19. Functions - basics
- 20. Variadic functions
- 21. Default arguments to function
- 22. Form submission program - GET & POST http methods
- 23. Security measures about incoming data
- 24. File IO
- 25. Sessions and some global variables
- 26. JSON data
- 27. Serialization
- 28. OOP in PHP - Object Oriented programming - an introduction
- 29. OOP - Inheritance
- 30. OOP - Access Modifiers - public, private, protected
4. Student database - Project v1 - using JSON file
5. MySQL
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Designing a database Visually - nocode
- 3. CRUD - Create Table
- 4. CRUD - Insert data in table
- 5. CRUD - Delete records from table
- 6. CRUD - Update existing records in table
- 7. CRUD - Emptying or Drop a table
- 8. Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using msqli
- 9. Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using PDO
6. Student database - Project v2 - using MySQL
7. CSS
8. JavaScript (Fast Track)
- 1. Introduction to JavaScript
- 2. Basic output in JavaScript
- 3. Data types and Variable
- 4. Constants (const), let, var
- 5. Backticks in JavaScript ` `
- 6. Comments in JavaScript
- 7. Classes in JavaScript
- 8. for - Loop using (in)
- 9. .forEach function
- 10. String manipulation in JavaScript
- 11. Functions in JavaScript
- 12. Local Storage
9. jQuery
10. Student database - Project v3 - updating UI using jQuery [ajax requests]
11. Additional Chapter C++ for web (overview + implementation)
- 1. Introduction to C++ for Web
- 2. Similarities and Differences - comparing C++ with PHP and JavaScript
- 3. Basic C++ program - general structure
- 4. Basic Output in C++
- 5. HTTP basic headers and output
- 6. Processing http GET and POST data using C++
- 7. Linking MySQL with our C++ application
- 8. Connecting to MySQL and running queries using C++
12. Additional Student database - Project v4 - updating - PHP to C++
11个章节 , 104个讲座
- 1. Introduction to HTML (免费)
- 2. HTML Document Structure (免费)
- 3. Head Tag
- 4. Basic Text Formatting
- 5. Creating our first HTML file
- 6. Headings and Paragraphs
- 7. Links (Anchor Tags)
- 8. Images (Img Tag)
- 9. Lists (Unordered and Ordered)
- 10. Input Controls (Text, Password, Radio, Checkbox, Date, Time etc)
- 11. Extra date input controls (week, month)
- 12. Range input control
- 13. Combo box List box (select Tag)
- 14. Text Areas
- 15. Forms (Form Tag)
- 16. Buttons (Submit, Reset)
- 17. Audio Video controls
- 18. HTML Comments
- 19. !DOCTYPE html html5 standard
- 20. script Tag
3. PHP
- 1. Introduction to PHP
- 2. Enabling libraries
- 3. Basic output
- 4. Data types, Variables, Constants
- 5. Type-Casting
- 6. Comments in PHP, C++, JavaScript
- 7. Arrays
- 8. Decision making (if-else) - Concepts
- 9. Decision making - Implementation (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
- 10. Operators (Comparison, Logical, Arithmetic)
- 11. Increment, Decrement operators
- 12. switch-case (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
- 13. Loops in PHP, C++, JavaScript
- 14. for - Loop
- 15. foreach -Loop
- 16. while - Loop
- 17. do-while - Loop
- 18. String manipulation - basics
- 19. Functions - basics
- 20. Variadic functions
- 21. Default arguments to function
- 22. Form submission program - GET & POST http methods
- 23. Security measures about incoming data
- 24. File IO
- 25. Sessions and some global variables
- 26. JSON data
- 27. Serialization
- 28. OOP in PHP - Object Oriented programming - an introduction
- 29. OOP - Inheritance
- 30. OOP - Access Modifiers - public, private, protected
4. Student database - Project v1 - using JSON file
5. MySQL
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Designing a database Visually - nocode
- 3. CRUD - Create Table
- 4. CRUD - Insert data in table
- 5. CRUD - Delete records from table
- 6. CRUD - Update existing records in table
- 7. CRUD - Emptying or Drop a table
- 8. Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using msqli
- 9. Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using PDO
6. Student database - Project v2 - using MySQL
7. CSS
8. JavaScript (Fast Track)
- 1. Introduction to JavaScript
- 2. Basic output in JavaScript
- 3. Data types and Variable
- 4. Constants (const), let, var
- 5. Backticks in JavaScript ` `
- 6. Comments in JavaScript
- 7. Classes in JavaScript
- 8. for - Loop using (in)
- 9. .forEach function
- 10. String manipulation in JavaScript
- 11. Functions in JavaScript
- 12. Local Storage
9. jQuery
10. Student database - Project v3 - updating UI using jQuery [ajax requests]
11. Additional Chapter C++ for web (overview + implementation)
- 1. Introduction to C++ for Web
- 2. Similarities and Differences - comparing C++ with PHP and JavaScript
- 3. Basic C++ program - general structure
- 4. Basic Output in C++
- 5. HTTP basic headers and output
- 6. Processing http GET and POST data using C++
- 7. Linking MySQL with our C++ application
- 8. Connecting to MySQL and running queries using C++