1. Introduction to HTML
2. HTML Document Structure
3. Head Tag
4. Basic Text Formatting
5. Creating our first HTML file
6. Headings and Paragraphs
7. Links (Anchor Tags)
8. Images (Img Tag)
9. Lists (Unordered and Ordered)
10. Input Controls (Text, Password, Radio, Checkbox, Date, Time etc)
11. Extra date input controls (week, month)
12. Range input control
13. Combo box List box (select Tag)
14. Text Areas
15. Forms (Form Tag)
16. Buttons (Submit, Reset)
17. Audio Video controls
18. HTML Comments
19. !DOCTYPE html html5 standard
20. script Tag
3. PHP
1. Introduction to PHP
2. Enabling libraries
3. Basic output
4. Data types, Variables, Constants
5. Type-Casting
6. Comments in PHP, C++, JavaScript
7. Arrays
8. Decision making (if-else) - Concepts
9. Decision making - Implementation (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
10. Operators (Comparison, Logical, Arithmetic)
11. Increment, Decrement operators
12. switch-case (PHP, C++, JavaScript)
13. Loops in PHP, C++, JavaScript
14. for - Loop
15. foreach -Loop
16. while - Loop
17. do-while - Loop
18. String manipulation - basics
19. Functions - basics
20. Variadic functions
21. Default arguments to function
22. Form submission program - GET & POST http methods
23. Security measures about incoming data
24. File IO
25. Sessions and some global variables
26. JSON data
27. Serialization
28. OOP in PHP - Object Oriented programming - an introduction
29. OOP - Inheritance
30. OOP - Access Modifiers - public, private, protected
4. Student database - Project v1 - using JSON file
1. Introduction to Project v1
2. Project Structure, Data Reading Writing Utility Script
3. Creating Homepage Listing
4. Add Record
5. Delete Record
6. Update Existing Record
5. MySQL
1. Introduction
2. Designing a database Visually - nocode
3. CRUD - Create Table
4. CRUD - Insert data in table
5. CRUD - Delete records from table
6. CRUD - Update existing records in table
7. CRUD - Emptying or Drop a table
8. Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using msqli
9. Connecting to MySQL from PHP - Using PDO
6. Student database - Project v2 - using MySQL
1. Explanation - Update Utility file - a review
7. CSS
1. Introduction to CSS
2. CSS basics
3. Bootstrap - What & Why
4. Bootstrap Grid system. Basics study
5. Bootstrap Form Controls basics
6. Let's style of Project v2 UI using Bootstrap
8. JavaScript (Fast Track)
1. Introduction to JavaScript
2. Basic output in JavaScript
3. Data types and Variable
4. Constants (const), let, var
5. Backticks in JavaScript ` `
6. Comments in JavaScript
7. Classes in JavaScript
8. for - Loop using (in)
9. .forEach function
10. String manipulation in JavaScript
11. Functions in JavaScript
12. Local Storage
9. jQuery
1. Introduction to jQuery
2. Use of CSS Selectors in jQuery
3. DOM Manipulation
4. Ajax (3 ways to send & receive data on the fly)
5. Code tuning and some useful function in jQuery
10. Student database - Project v3 - updating UI using jQuery [ajax requests]
1. Set Class of student using jQuery first
2. Ajax calls explanation & JSON output
11. Additional Chapter C++ for web (overview + implementation)
1. Introduction to C++ for Web
2. Similarities and Differences - comparing C++ with PHP and JavaScript
3. Basic C++ program - general structure
4. Basic Output in C++
5. HTTP basic headers and output
6. Processing http GET and POST data using C++
7. Linking MySQL with our C++ application
8. Connecting to MySQL and running queries using C++
12. Additional Student database - Project v4 - updating - PHP to C++
1. Converting utility.php to utility.h file
2. Converting index to C++ version
3. Converting add record to C++ version
4. Converting update record to C++ version
5. Converting delete record to C++ version