UE5与C++ 2D平台游戏制作训练视频教程
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Why Choose Unreal Engine for 2D Game Development
- 2. Setting up environments
- 1. Download and install Visual studio community 2022
- 2. Setting Up Android Studio
- 3. Downloading and Installing Java Development Kit
- 4. Downloading JetBrains Rider
- 5. Creating a New Project and Level
- 3. Setting up unreal environments
- 1. Map Creation
- 2. Create First Class
- 4. Creating base class C++
- 1. Game Mode Creation C++
- 2. Creating a Player Controller C++
- 3. Creating a Player Character C++
- 4. Adding Dependencies In Rider
- 5. Creating a 2D Map with Unreal Engine
- 1. Constructing the tilemap
- 2. Working with Sprites in Unreal Engine
- 3. Animating Sprites with Paper Flipbooks in Unreal Engine
- 6. Player Base C++
- 1. Setting Up the Character in C++
- 2. Setting Up the Character in Blueprints
- 3. Implement input for the player character
- 4. Setting up input action
- 5. Take control of player
- 6. Mastering Player Control with Enhanced Input
- 7. Fine-Tuning Player Movement in Unreal Engine
- 7. Animation State Machine
- 1. Building an Animation State Machine with C++
- 2. Breathing Life into Animations
- 3. Optimizing Animation State Machine
- 4. Cleaning Animation Component
- 8. Building platform Interaction
- 1. Building a Foundation for Player Interactions
- 2. Building a Falling Platform Interaction With C++
- 3. Fine-Tuning the Falling Platform Interaction
- 4. Optimize Falling Platform Interaction
- 5. Building a Springy Trampoline Interaction
- 6. Fine-Tuning the Trampoline Experience
- 9. Crafting a Functionnal Ladder Interaction
- 1. Ladder Platform Interaction
- 1.1 Ladder interaction
- 2. Laddering Up Player Controls
- 3. Bringing the Ladder to Life
- 4. Enhancing Player Movement with Ladder Animations
- 10. Player Damage and Interaction
- 1. Introducing Spikes
- 2. Bringing Spikes to Life in Blueprints
- 3. Building a Respawn System with Checkpoints
- 4. Introducing the Death Component
- 5. Building the Visual Checkpoint
- 6. Building the Projectile Component
- 7. Building the Turret for Projectile Spawning
- 8. Integrating Projectiles and Turrets in Blueprints
- 11. Creating User Widget
- 1. Building the Health Component for Player Characters
- 2. Building the Player Health Bar User Widget
- 3. Building the Health Bar User Interface with UMG
- 4. Integrating the Health Bar Widget
- 5. Building Gem Interaction for the Platformer
- 6. Building the Gem UI and Interaction Blueprint
- 7. Refining Player Death and Respawn Logic
- 12. Enemy base class
- 1. Building the Enemy Base Class
- 2. Building a Simple Enemy Class
- 3. Bringing the Enemy to Life in Blueprint