使用 Python 掌握 JSON
- 1. Getting Started
- 2. Installing Python
- 3. Installing JupyterLab
- 2. JupyterLab Crash Course
- 1. Working with Python Files
- 2. Using the Terminal
- 3. Using Interactive Python Notebooks
- 3. JSON Structures
- 2. Objects
- 4. Arrays
- 6. Nested JSON
- 4. Converting JSON Structures to Python Structures
- 1. Data Type Compatibility
- 2. Deserializing JSON
- 4. Serializing JSON
- 5. Manipulating Python Structures
- 1. Navigating Dictionaries & Lists
- 2. List Methods
- 4. Dictionary Methods
- 6. Using Pandas with JSON
- 1. Normalizing JSON
- 2. Exporting DataFrames to JSON
- 7. Working with APIs in Python
- 2. Making Your First Request
- 3. Request Components
- 4. Response Components