ChatGPT for All - 了解行业提示用例
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. ChatGPT 3.5 vs 4 (Free vs Plus model)
- 1. How to use ChatGPT and ChatGPT 3.5 vs 4 (Free vs Plus model)
- 2. ChatGPT 3.5 vs 4 - Usage Limits
- 3. Prompting - Industry wise use cases
- 1. Important - How to view only relevant videos for you
- 2. Prompting - Basics
- 3. Teachers - Prompting use cases
- 4. Students - Prompting use cases
- 5. Legal, HR - Prompting use cases
- 6. Market Study for consultants - Prompting use cases - Part 1
- 7. Market Study for consultants - Prompting use cases - Part 2
- 8. Market Study for consultants - Prompting use cases - Part 3
- 9. Software learners - Prompting use cases
- 10. Software developers learners - Prompting use cases
- 4. Types of prompting
- 1. Types of prompting - Part 1
- 2. Types of prompting - Part 2
- 3. Free Prompt compilation websites, How can you freelance using ChatGPT
- 5. How to get ChatGPT API access and use it in Google sheets
- 1. Integrate ChatGPT API with Google sheets
- 6. Additional learning Fun session - Use AI Tools to create video cloner
- 1. Create script, voice and video using AI websites
- 2. Output from above tools
- 3. Create your own animation using deep motion website
- 4. Sample output - Deep motion