- 1. Welcome!!!
- 1. Introduction to the course
- 2. Introduction
- 1. Getting Started
- 2. I Can't Contain Myself
- 3. Buttons
- 4. The Card
- 5. The UICard Script
- 6. The Draw Button
- 7. Draw String
- 8. Draw UI
- 9. What a Drag
- 10. Card Controller
- 11. Character Prefab
- 12. Game Architecture
- 13. Refactor
- 14. End Drag
- 15. Card Drag Game State
- 16. Render Field
- 17. Character Drag
- 18. Mana
- 3. To Battle!
- 1. Battle Field
- 2. Battle Character
- 3. Battle Systems
- 4. Battle Manager
- 5. Battle Auto
- 6. Battle States
- 7. More Battle States
- 8. Battle Over
- 9. Auto Battle
- 10. Team Database
- 11. Seed Team Database
- 12. Real Battles
- 13. Real Battles Cont.
- 4. The Flow Blockchain
- 1. Getting Started
- 2. Contract Minions
- 3. Display Minions
- 4. Update Minions
- 5. Deploy to Testnet
- 5. Flow Unity Integration
- 1. The Flow Unity SDK
- 6. Beginning of the End
- 1. End Game
- 2. Game Over
- 7. Additional content - Unity Beginner Course
- 1. Installs
- 2. The Unity Editor
- 3. Getting Physical
- 4. Your First Script
- 5. Scenes and GameObjects
- 6. Variables
- 7. Finished Basic Training!