TypeScript 基础 - 初学者指南 - 2023 版
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Why to learn typescript
- 3. Course outline
- 4. Welcome to the course speech
- 5. What is typescript
- 6. Programming environment setup
- 7. Why typescript
- 8. TypeScript setup
- 9. TypeScript configuration
- 10. Hello world program
- 2. Variable declaration
- 1. var
- 2. let
- 3. const
- 3. Basic Types
- 1. string, number, boolean
- 2. array
- 3. object
- 4. enum
- 5. any
- 6. tuple
- 7. functions
- 8. union
- 9. Type Aliases
- 10. Interfaces
- 11. literals
- 4. Control Flow Statements
- 1. if..else
- 2. switch case
- 3. for loop
- 4. while loop and do while loop
- 5. Functions
- 1. Default parameter
- 2. Optional parameters
- 6. Classes
- 1. Basic example
- 2. Access Modifiers
- 3. Readonly
- 4. Getters and setters
- 5. Static properties and methods
- 6. Inheritance
- 7. Abstract
- 7. Course completion
- 1. Course completion