任何人的Python - 快速开始使用 Python 编码 (2023)
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction to Computer and Coding
- 2. Introduction to Computer and Coding
- 1. Lecture Video Computer Hardware
- 2. Lecture Video Computer Software
- 3. Data Storage and Manipulation
- 4. Coding Languages
- 5. Compiler vs. Interpreter
- 6. Misconceptions
- 3. Setting up Python for Coding and Debugging
- 1. Download, Install, and Launch
- 2. Interactive vs. Scripting Mode
- 3. Coding and Debugging
- 4. Popular IDEs
- 5. Extensions for Compilation
- 4. Operators & Statements
- 1. Operators and Operands
- 2. Variables, Data Types, and Keywords
- 3. Assignment, Statement, Expression, Evaluation
- 4. Logical Operators
- 5. Precedence vs. Association, and Sequential Execution
- 6. Comments and Docstring
- 5. Data Types and Structures
- 1. Data Types and Structures
- 2. String is Different
- 3. Lists and Arrays Part 1
- 4. Lists and Arrays Part 2
- 6. InputOutput
- 1. Input
- 2. Unformatted and Formatted Output
- 3. Conversion
- 4. Width and Precision
- 5. Conditional Statement Using If
- 6. If Statement with Alternative
- 7. Chained and Nested If Statements
- 8. Looping
- 9. Looping Applications
- 10. Functions and Parameters
- 11. Scopes - Global and Local
- 12. Evaluation of Function and Built-in, Libraries, Void
- 13. Call Stack
- 14. Recursion
- 15. Factorial
- 16. Fibonacci Series
- 17. Towers of Hanoi
- 18. Recursion vs. Iteration
- 7. Classes and Objects
- 1. Procedural to Object-Oriented Programming
- 2. Classes and Objects
- 3. Integrity and Mutability
- 4. Procedural vs. Object-Oriented vs. Functional Programming
- 8. Files
- 1. Persistent Files
- 2. Open, Read, Write, Append
- 9. Exceptions
- 1. Exceptions
- 2. Try Block
- 3. Catch-All
- 4. Pass the Exception Error Message