面向初学者的完整 Python 训练营 - 从零到大师
- 1 - Python Basics
- 1 - Course Introduction
- 2 - Why we learn python
- 2 - Python Variables
- 3 - Variables in Python
- 4 - Naming Variables Rules and Best Practices
- 5 - Variables Naming Convention
- 6 - Python Comments
- 3 - Python Operators
- 7 - Python Arithmetic Operators
- 8 - Python Comparison Operators
- 9 - Python Assignment Operators
- 10 - Python Logical Operators
- 4 - Python Numbers datatype
- 11 - Python Numbers datatype
- 5 - Python Strings
- 12 - Introduction to Strings
- 13 - Using variables in Python strings with the fstrings
- 14 - Strings indexing and splitting
- 15 - slicing strings
- 16 - Reassigning String in Python
- 17 - String formatting in Python
- 18 - Python String title upper and lower Method
- 19 - Convert one data type into the other data type
- 6 - Python Lists
- 20 - Python Lists
- 21 - List indexing and splitting
- 22 - Getting the length of a list
- 23 - Looping through a list
- 24 - Check an item in the list
- 25 - Create a Sublist from the List
- 26 - Add an Item to Python List
- 27 - Removing Elements from Python List
- 28 - Modifying Elements in Python List
- 29 - Combining python lists
- 30 - Characteristics of Python Lists
- 31 - Coding Challenge on Python List
- 32 - Solution for the Coding Challenge
- 7 - Python Dictionary
- 33 - Python Dictionary
- 34 - Create python dictionaries
- 35 - Access Dictionary Item
- 36 - Delete Dictionary Elements
- 37 - dictionary methods pop and popitemclear
- 38 - Updating Dictionary Elements
- 39 - Adding an item to the dictionary
- 40 - Python Dictionary methods Copy Method
- 41 - Python Dictionary methods Get Method
- 42 - Dictionary methods setdefault Method
- 43 - Dictionary methods update Method
- 44 - Dictionary methods keys values For loops
- 45 - Coding Challenge on Dictionaries Python
- 46 - Solution for the Coding Challenge
- 8 - Python Tuples
- 47 - About Python tuples
- 48 - python tuple methods
- 49 - iterating through Tuple
- 9 - Sets In python
- 50 - introduction to sets
- 51 - python Set methods
- 52 - python Set method part 2 comprehensions
- 10 - Python input Function
- 53 - Accept User Input
- 54 - Taking multiple inputs from user in PythonUsing split method
- 55 - Taking multiple inputs from user in PythonUsing List comprehension
- 11 - Python Flow Control
- 56 - Python decision making program introduction
- 57 - python if statement
- 58 - If Else Statement
- 59 - Using the if elif statement in an application
- 12 - Python Loops
- 60 - Python While Loops
- 61 - For LoopLooping through a String in python
- 62 - For loopLooping through python list
- 63 - For LoopLooping Through Numbers in Range
- 64 - Loop Control Statements break
- 65 - Loop Control Statements continue
- 66 - Infinite Loop
- 67 - Coding Challenge
- 68 - Solution for Coding Challenge
- 13 - Python Function
- 69 - Python Creating Functions
- 70 - Python Function Passing information to a function
- 71 - Python Function Defining optional parameters with defaults
- 72 - Python Function Passing multiple values to a function
- 73 - Using keyword arguments kwargs
- 74 - Python Function The return Statement
- 75 - Python LambdaAnonymous Function
- 76 - Coding Challenge
- 77 - Solution for the Coding Challenge
- 78 - Coding ChallengeWrite a program to find the Volume of the Rectangular Prism
- 79 - Solution for Volume of the Rectangular Prism
- 80 - Create BMI Calculator using PythonCoding Challenge
- 81 - BMI Calculator Python Program with Source Code
- 14 - Python Modules
- 82 - Introduction about Python Module
- 83 - import Python User defined and Custom Modules