- 1. 开始
- 1. Introduction
- 2.一款复古风格的打砖块游戏
- 1. Introduction, main screen and player creation.
- 2. Sterring of the player and borders of the screen.
- 3. Bouncing Ball
- 4. Bricks on the Screen
- 5. List of Bricks.
- 6. Timer and waiting for the start of a new game.
- 3.跑酷游戏
- 1. Where to get graphics, sounds and backgrounds.
- 2. Player, floor and images Import
- 3. Falling, jumping and animation's hero .
- 4. Obstacle and collisions
- 5. Points and own Signal
- 6. Restart games, timer and moving floor.
- 4.汽车游戏
- 1. Introduction to Car Game
- 2. Sterring with Car
- 3. Background and collision road
- 4. Graphics, checkpoints and finish line
- 5. Restart and Start Timer
- 6. Checkpoints and End Game
- 5. 井字游戏
- 1. Introductions Buttons and GridContainer
- 2. Players' turn
- 3. Check who won
- 4. GUI, Restart and the case when no one wins
- 6. 船舶登陆器
- 1. Introduction to Ship Lander
- 2. Sterring of Ship
- 3. Good Landing
- 4. Introduction to Tilemap Node
- 5. Collision in Tilemap
- 6. Creating Levels
- 7. Changing Levels
- 7.Godot绘图4.1.1
- 1. Introduction and simple shapes.
- 2. Circular motion in real time.
- 3. Wave and Spiral
- 4. Line_2d Node.
- 5. Sierpinski Triangle Episode 1
- 6. Sierpinski Triangle Episode 2
- 7. Sierpinski Triangle Episode 3
- 8. Right Triangle in Circle
- 9. Sinus and Cosinus