学习 OpenCV 进行计算机视觉
- 1. About the Program
- 1. Course Introduction
- 2. Course Outline
- 2. Introduction to Computer Vision
- 1. What is Computer Vision
- 2. Applications of Computer Vision
- 3. Difference between Computer Vision & DIP
- 4. Tools for Computer Vision
- 3. Software Installation
- 1. Installing Anaconda Distribution
- 2. Handling Jupyter Notebooks 1
- 3. Handling Jupyter Notebooks 2
- 4. Handling Jupyter Notebooks 3
- 5. Handling Jupyter Notebooks 4
- 6. Handling Jupyter Notebooks 5
- 7. Installation of OpenCV
- 4. Fundamentals of OpenCV
- 1. Fundamentals of Image Processing
- 2. Reading Images
- 3. Video Loading
- 4. Changing Color Spaces
- 5. Changing Color Spaces (Jupyter)
- 6. Pixel Manipulation
- 7. Pixel Manipulation - Initial Setup (Jupyter)
- 8. Pixel Manipulation - Operation 1 (Jupyter)
- 9. Pixel Manipulation - Operation 2 (Jupyter)
- 10. Region of Interest
- 11. Region of Interest (Jupyter)
- 5. Image Processing - Image Manipulation
- 1. What is Image Resizing
- 2. Image Resizing (Jupyter)
- 3. What is Image Blurring
- 4. Image Blurring (Jupyter)
- 5. What is Image Pyramid
- 6. Image Pyramid (Jupyter)
- 6. Image Processing - Arithmetic Operations
- 1. What is Arithmetic Operation
- 2. What is Image Blending
- 3. Image Blending (Jupyter)
- 4. What is Image Subtraction
- 5. Image Subtraction (Jupyter)
- 6. What is Bitwise Operation
- 7. Bitwise Operation (Jupyter)
- 7. Edge Detection
- 1. Edge Detection
- 2. Edge Detection (Jupyter)
- 8. Morphological Operations
- 1. Morphological Transformations
- 2. Morphological Transformations - Initial Setup (Jupyter)
- 3. Understanding Erosion and Dilation
- 4. Morphological Transformations - Erosion & Dilation (Jupyter)
- 5. Understanding Morphological Techniques
- 6. Morphological Transformations - Opening & Closing (Jupyter)
- 9. Image Thresholding & Filtering
- 1. Simple Thresholding
- 2. Simple Thresholding (Jupyter)
- 3. What is Noise in an Image
- 4. Sobel Filter-Using Gradients
- 5. Sobel filter-Using Gradients (Jupyter)
- 6. Laplacian Filter-Using Gradients
- 7. Laplacian Filter-Using Gradients (Jupyter)
- 10. Image Segmentation
- 1. What is Image Segmentation
- 2. Understanding Cluster based Segmentation
- 3. Image Segmentation (Jupyter)
- 11. Feature Extraction
- 1. What is Feature Matching
- 2. Understanding HOG
- 3. Feature Matching - Using HOG (Jupyter)
- 12. Motion Detection
- 1. What is Motion Detection
- 2. Understanding Dense Optical Flow
- 3. Dense Optical Flow (Jupyter)
- 13. Project
- 1. Cartoonify
- 14. About the Program
- 1. Course Conclusion