- C01L01 Course Intro Software Setup
- C01L02 BONUS InstaMAT Setup And Navigation
- C02L01 Modeling The Rubber Tread
- C02L02 The Lattice Modifier
- C02L03 Modeling The Hub
- C02L04 Retopologizing
- C02L05 Bonus Modeling A Tractor Tire
- C03L01 Cutting UV Seams
- C03L02 UV Unwrapping
- C03L03 Exporting From Blender Importing To Substance Painter
- C03L04 Baking Texture Maps
- C03L05 Texturing In Substance Painter
- C03L06 Finishing Our Textures
- C03L07 Exporting Textures From Substance Painter
- C03L08 BONUS Importing And Baking In InstaMAT
- C03L09 BONUS Texturing In InstaMAT
- C03L10 BONUS Exporting Textures From InstaMAT
- C04L01 Setting Up Materials In Blender
- C04L02 Lights Camera Action
- C04L03 Rendering Images In Blender
- C05L01 Importing Into Unreal Engine
- C05L02 Setting Up Materials In Unreal Engine