Blender 4模块化建模与Kitbash环境场景制作视频教程
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Section 2 Getting Started with Blender and Resources
- 1. Lesson 1 - Introduction to [Resource Pack] for Aztec City Modeling
- 2. Lesson 2 - Mastering Basic Blender Navigation Techniques
- 3. Lesson 3 - Complete Guide to Referencing in Blender
- 4. Lesson 4 - Setting Up References for the Aztec Scene in Blender
- 5. Lesson 5 - Blender Basics Introduction to 3D Modeling
- 3. Section 3 Greyboxing the Aztec Temple
- 1. Lesson 6 - Starting the Aztec Temple Greyboxing the Stairs
- 2. Lesson 7 - Modeling Simple Arches in Greybox
- 3. Lesson 8 - Using Circles in Greyboxing for Aztec Architecture
- 4. Lesson 9 - Ambient Occlusion Shaders Setup in Blender
- 5. Lesson 10 - Creating Pillars in the Aztec Greybox
- 4. Section 4 Expanding the Aztec City Greybox
- 1. Lesson 11 - Finishing the Greybox Temple Front
- 2. Lesson 12 - Greyboxing the East Wing of the Aztec City
- 3. Lesson 13 - Incorporating Realism into Greyboxing
- 4. Lesson 14 - Designing the Temple Pool in Greybox
- 5. Lesson 15 - Understanding Levels in 3D Modeling
- 5. Section 5 Finalizing the Greybox and Reference Setup
- 1. Lesson 16 - Completing the East Wing Greybox
- 2. Lesson 17 - Starting the Aztec Market Area Greybox Techniques
- 3. Lesson 18 - Building Complexity in the Greybox Model
- 4. Lesson 19 - Creating Realistic Working Environments in Blender
- 5. Lesson 20 - Finishing the West Wing of the Temple Greybox
- 6. Section 6 Building Modular Assets
- 1. Lesson 21 - Enhancing the Interest in Your Scene
- 2. Lesson 22 - Finalizing the Greybox Model
- 3. Lesson 23 - Exploring Different Perspectives and Angles in Blender
- 4. Lesson 24 - Completing the Greybox for the Aztec Scene
- 5. Lesson 25 - Setting Up and Using References in Blender
- 7. Section 7 Asset Management and Initial Assembly
- 1. Lesson 26 - Creating Your First Modular Pieces in Blender
- 2. Lesson 27 - Working with Seams and Sharps in Blender
- 3. Lesson 28 - Introduction to Blender Shaders
- 4. Lesson 29 - How to Create a Sky Texture in Blender
- 5. Lesson 30 - Blender UV Mapping Techniques
- 8. Section 8 Advanced Modeling Techniques
- 1. Lesson 31 - Organizing with Blender Collections
- 2. Lesson 32 - Tutorial on Blender's Asset Manager
- 3. Lesson 33 - Creating Initial Asset Manager Parts
- 4. Lesson 34 - Crafting the Pillars for the Aztec City
- 5. Lesson 35 - How to Create Stone Slabs in Blender
- 9. Section 9 Working with Arches and Complex Structures
- 1. Lesson 36 - Cleaning Up Your Asset Pack in Blender
- 2. Lesson 37 - Exploring Geometry Nodes in Blender
- 3. Lesson 38 - Easy Techniques for Creating Stairs in Blender
- 4. Lesson 39 - Bringing Models to Life with Details
- 5. Lesson 40 - Key Modular Pieces and Supports in Blender
- 10. Section 10 Utilizing Booleans and Geometry Nodes
- 1. Lesson 41 - Modeling Angles for Aztec Architecture
- 2. Lesson 42 - Integrating Modular Pieces into the Scene
- 3. Lesson 43 - Planning and Creating Arches in Blender
- 4. Lesson 44 - Managing Polygon Count in 3D Models
- 5. Lesson 45 - Creating Arches with Geometry Nodes
- 11. Section 11 Roof Construction and Texturing
- 1. Lesson 46 - Working with Booleans in Blender
- 2. Lesson 47 - Creating More Complex Meshes in Blender
- 3. Lesson 48 - Finalizing the Arches Pack for the Aztec City
- 4. Lesson 49 - Working with GeoStacker in Blender
- 5. Lesson 50 - Finishing the Bamboo Roofs in the Aztec Scene
- 12. Section 12 Completing Roofs and Structural Supports
- 1. Lesson 51 - Starting the Roof Pack in Blender
- 2. Lesson 52 - Crafting More Complex Roof Structures
- 3. Lesson 53 - Using the Knife Tool for Precision Modeling
- 4. Lesson 54 - Creating Roof Parts that Fit Together Seamlessly
- 5. Lesson 55 - Understanding Normals and Their Usage in Blender
- 13. Section 13 Modeling Windows and Bridges
- 1. Lesson 56 - Adding Materials to the Roof Structures
- 2. Lesson 57 - Completing the Roof Pack for the Aztec City
- 3. Lesson 58 - Integrating Supports into the Greybox Model
- 4. Lesson 59 - Working with Stone Blocks for Aztec Architecture
- 5. Lesson 60 - Utilizing Modular Pieces Effectively in Blender
- 14. Section 14 Creating and Texturing Props
- 1. Lesson 61 - Modeling Windows for the Aztec Scene
- 2. Lesson 62 - Naming and Finalizing the Window Models
- 3. Lesson 63 - Creating Bridges in Blender for the Aztec City
- 4. Lesson 64 - Completing the Bamboo Bridge Model
- 5. Lesson 65 - Creating Stone Floors with Geometry Nodes
- 15. Section 15 Finalizing the Prop Pack
- 1. Lesson 66 - Starting the Prop Pack for the Aztec Scene
- 2. Lesson 67 - Easy Techniques for Creating Vases in Blender
- 3. Lesson 68 - Modeling Unique Props for the Aztec City
- 4. Lesson 69 - The Best Way to Create Barrels in Blender
- 5. Lesson 70 - Applying Materials to the Prop Models
- 16. Section 16 Animating and Enhancing Water Features
- 1. Lesson 71 - Dealing with Seams in Blender
- 2. Lesson 72 - Finalizing the Prop Pack for the Aztec City
- 3. Lesson 73 - Creating the Swimming Pool for the Aztec Temple
- 4. Lesson 74 - Utilizing Volume Shaders for Water Effects
- 5. Lesson 75 - Designing an Aztec Fountain in Blender
- 17. Section 17 Developing the Temple Interior and Pool Area
- 1. Lesson 76 - Fixing Geometry Nodes Issues in Blender
- 2. Lesson 77 - In-depth Discussion on Waterfall Shaders
- 3. Lesson 78 - Animating Shaders for Dynamic Effects
- 4. Lesson 79 - Creating a Waterfall Feature in Blender
- 5. Lesson 80 - Finalizing the Water Feature Pack
- 18. Section 18 Detailing the Aztec Architecture
- 1. Lesson 81 - Integrating Water Features into the Aztec Environment
- 2. Lesson 82 - Designing Internal Spaces for the Aztec Temple
- 3. Lesson 83 - Finishing the Pool Area in the Aztec Scene
- 4. Lesson 84 - Adding the Temple Base to the Scene
- 5. Lesson 85 - Integrating Roof Structures into the Scene
- 19. Section 19 Finishing the Temple Structures
- 1. Lesson 86 - Modeling Doors for the Aztec Architecture
- 2. Lesson 87 - Maintaining the Aztec Aesthetic in Modeling
- 3. Lesson 88 - Troubleshooting Door Shader Issues
- 4. Lesson 89 - Crafting the Temple Door for the Aztec City
- 5. Lesson 90 - Breaking Models into Parts for Optimization
- 20. Section 20 Large Market and Warehouse Construction
- 1. Lesson 91 - Finalizing the Temple Door Model
- 2. Lesson 92 - Starting the Market Pack for the Aztec City
- 3. Lesson 93 - Modeling the Small Market Building
- 4. Lesson 94 - Basic Guide to Sculpting Cloth in Blender
- 5. Lesson 95 - Finishing the Small Market Building
- 21. Section 21 Detailing and Texturing Market Elements
- 1. Lesson 96 - Starting the Large Market Building
- 2. Lesson 97 - Creating Doorways for the Market Building
- 3. Lesson 98 - Texturing the Large Market Building
- 4. Lesson 99 - Modeling the Warehouse for the Aztec City
- 5. Lesson 100 - Creating Door Arches in Blender
- 22. Section 22 Enhancing the Market Area
- 1. Lesson 101 - Simulating Cloth as Door Overhang
- 2. Lesson 102 - Adding Texture Detail to Door Overhang
- 3. Lesson 103 - Placing Door Assets in the Scene
- 4. Lesson 104 - Replacing Greybox Blocks with Final Assets
- 5. Lesson 105 - Adding Pillar Supports to the Aztec Scene
- 23. Section 23 Suspension Bridges and Structural Refinements
- 1. Lesson 106 - Working on Balcony Placement in the Aztec City
- 2. Lesson 107 - Adjusting Kitbash Blocks for Better Fit
- 3. Lesson 108 - Continuing Work on Large Structure Pieces
- 4. Lesson 109 - Detailing the Market Section of the Aztec City
- 5. Lesson 110 - Adding Small Details and Props to the Market Area
- 24. Section 24 Detailing and Texturing the Temple Entrance
- 1. Lesson 111 - Integrating Suspension Bridge Attachments
- 2. Lesson 112 - Placing Supports and Arches in the Aztec City
- 3. Lesson 113 - Modeling Tower Details for the Aztec Temple
- 4. Lesson 114 - Refining Indoor Parts and Door Placement
- 5. Lesson 115 - 3D Modeling the Entrance for the Aztec Temple
- 25. Section 25 Rooftops and Final Architectural Details
- 1. Lesson 116 - Adding Detail to the Entrance Area
- 2. Lesson 117 - Focusing on the Entrance Archway Design
- 3. Lesson 118 - Creating Stone Face Decorations for the Door
- 4. Lesson 119 - Adding Decorative Details to the Archway Top
- 5. Lesson 120 - Texturing the Entrance Area in Blender
- 26. Section 26 Completing and Placing Rooftops
- 1. Lesson 121 - Creating Stone Borders for the Aztec City
- 2. Lesson 122 - 3D Modeling the Rooftops in Blender
- 3. Lesson 123 - Creating Variations of Rooftops for the Aztec Scene
- 4. Lesson 124 - Designing Decorative Rooftops for the Aztec Temple
- 5. Lesson 125 - Creating Radial Symmetrical Rooftop Decorations
- 27. Section 27 Torch and Fire Elements Creation
- 1. Lesson 126 - Texturing the Rooftops in Blender
- 2. Lesson 127 - Placing Rooftops in the Aztec City Scene
- 3. Lesson 128 - Plant Pot Placement in the Aztec Environment
- 4. Lesson 129 - Using Boolean for Door Section Cutouts
- 28. Section 28 Finalizing Torch Placement and Fire Effects
- 1. Lesson 130 - Fixing Boolean Mesh Issues in Blender
- 2. Lesson 131 - Connecting Blocks After Boolean Operations
- 3. Lesson 132 - Fixing Additional Boolean Holes
- 4. Lesson 133 - 3D Modeling a Torch and Brazier for the Aztec Scene
- 5. Lesson 134 - Designing the Face of a Tiki Torch
- 6. Lesson 135 - Adding Side Decorative Details to the Torch
- 29. Section 29 Optimizing and Organizing Your Scene
- 1. Lesson 136 - Crafting a Decorative Base for the Torch
- 2. Lesson 137 - Creating Wall Attachments for the Torch
- 3. Lesson 138 - Texturing Torches in Blender
- 4. Lesson 139 - Placing Fire Geometry Nodes for Realism
- 5. Lesson 140 - Tweaking Fire Geometry Node Parameters
- 30. Section 30 Placing Foliage and Natural Elements
- 1. Lesson 141 - Positioning Fire Torches in the Scene
- 2. Lesson 142 - Using Array Modifiers for Fire Brazier Patterns
- 3. Lesson 143 - Crafting Additional Decorative Supports
- 4. Lesson 144 - Texturing the Fire Brazier
- 5. Lesson 145 - Adding Fire Geometry Nodes to the Brazier
- 31. Section 31 Final Foliage Placement and Terrain Sculpting
- 1. Lesson 146 - Torch Placement in the Aztec City Scene
- 2. Lesson 147 - Continuing Light Placement for the Aztec Environment
- 3. Lesson 148 - Blender Optimization Tutorial for Large Scenes
- 4. Lesson 149 - Organizing Assets into Collections in Blender
- 5. Lesson 150 - Continuing Asset Cleanup in Blender
- 32. Section 32 Completing Terrain and Background Setup
- 1. Lesson 151 - Foliage Placement in the Aztec Environment
- 2. Lesson 152 - Positioning Vine Foliage on Overhangs
- 3. Lesson 153 - Continuing Vine Placement in the Aztec City
- 4. Lesson 154 - Plant Placement in Pots for the Aztec Scene
- 5. Lesson 155 - Working with Fern Placement in Blender
- 33. Section 33 Final Plant and Landscape Placement
- 1. Lesson 156 - Final Foliage Placements in the Aztec City
- 2. Lesson 157 - Adding Trees Within the Aztec City
- 3. Lesson 158 - Sculpting the Terrain Platform in Blender
- 4. Lesson 159 - Optimizing Terrain for Large Environments
- 34. Section 34 Finalizing the Skydome and Lighting
- 1. Lesson 160 - Vertex Painting the Terrain in Blender
- 2. Lesson 161 - Weight Painting Plants onto the Platform
- 3. Lesson 162 - Continuing Plant Placement in the Aztec Scene
- 4. Lesson 163 - Camera Setup and Large Scale Landscape Design
- 5. Lesson 164 - Modeling and Texturing Large Scale Terrain
- 6. Lesson 165 - Weight Painting Trees for Realism
- 35. Section 35 Rendering and Post-Processing
- 1. Lesson 166 - Placing Small Terrain Platforms with Large Landscapes
- 2. Lesson 167 - Working on the Skydome for the Aztec Scene
- 3. Lesson 168 - Basics of Blender Eevee and Cycles Render
- 4. Lesson 169 - Blender Camera Setup and Turntables Tutorial
- 5. Lesson 170 - Creating a Day Scene Lighting in Blender
- 36. Section 36 Final Touches and Scene Completion
- 1. Lesson 171 - Designing Night Scene Lighting for the Aztec City
- 2. Lesson 172 - Refining Night Scene Lighting and World Shader
- 3. Lesson 173 - Rendering Out the Day Scene in Blender
- 4. Lesson 174 - Compositing the Day Scene in Blender
- 5. Lesson 175 - Enhancing Gloss and Glare in the Compositor
- 37. Section 37 Compositing and Enhancing Visuals
- 1. Lesson 176 - Color Correcting the Day Scene in Blender
- 2. Lesson 177 - Compositing Night Scene Lighting Effects