Unity与C# 2D游戏系统构建终极指南视频教程
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. C# overview
- 1. Variables
- 2. Contitions
- 3. Methods
- 4. Cycles Loops
- 5. Collections Arrays
- 6. Enums and classes
- 3. Unity overview
- 1. How to understand Unity - Controls and objects
- 4. Build system theory
- 1. Basic build system
- 2. Basic placing object in practice
- 3. Complex build system - spaceship basics
- 5. Making our build system
- 1. Setup
- 2. Activate build prepare
- 3. Follow mouse during build and place item freely
- 4. Check neighbours alghoritm for placeholders
- 5. Generating placeholders and prepare detection
- 6. Joining blocks to ship thanks to placeholders
- 7. Recentering groups
- 6. Splitting alghoritm
- 1. Setup for splitting
- 2. Making some splitting results
- 3. Finishing splitting
- 7. Spaceship CPU - controls of ship
- 1. Setup
- 2. Preparing Gizmos for debug
- 3. Make debug building option
- 4. Gizmos center point of thrusters
- 5. Gizmos drawing rectangles
- 6. Drawing gizmos debug texts
- 7. Finalizing movement