- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Preparation
- 1. Creating Unity Project
- 3. Importing Game Assets Package 1
- 3. Getting Started
- 1. Preparing Character Sprites
- 2. Preparing Game Sprites
- 4. The Player
- 1. Player Movement
- 2. Jumping
- 3. Player Animations
- 4. Player Animator & Skating
- 5. Looping Background
- 6. Hold To Jump Higher
- 5. Platforms
- 1. Platform Generation
- 2. Looping Platform Generation
- 3. Mushrooms
- 4. Rock Obstacles
- 5. Wood Obstacles
- 6. Consumables & Collectables
- 2. Importing Game Assets Package 2
- 3. Game UI (User Interface)
- 4. Player Health
- 5. Coins
- 6. Score & Pace of the Game
- 7. Collectable Bonus Health
- 7. Menu & Market
- 1. Menu UI (User Interface)
- 2. Pausing the Game
- 3. Market UI (User Interface)
- 4. Market Code
- 8. Saving & Loading Game Data
- 1. Save & Load 1
- 2. Save & Load 2
- 3. Encryption & Decryption of Game Data
- 9. VFX (Visual Effects)
- 1. Explosion Effect (Particle System)
- 2. Shatter Effect (Particle System)
- 3. Jump Effect (Particle System)
- 4. Skateboard Trail
- 5. Mushroom Animation
- 10. Saving & Loading Game Data 2
- 1. High Score
- 2. Backing Up Game Data