使用 Unity 创建类似 Geometry Dash 的移动游戏
- 1. The Core - Player Movement
- 1. Project Setup
- 2. Move the Player to the Right
- 3. Slime is Jumping
- 4. Better Jumping Logic
- 5. Getting a Good Feel
- 6. Adding Rotation to the Player
- 7. Polishing the Player Rotation
- 2. The Camera
- 1. Behavior Below the Line
- 2. Behavior above the Line
- 3. The Tilemaps
- 1. The Obstacles Tilemap
- 2. Interactions with the Player
- 3. The Platforms Tilemap
- 4. Animating the Tilemap
- 5. Polishing the Tilemap Effect
- 4. Improvements
- 1. Another Gameover Detection
- 2. Player can Explode
- 3. Using Way better Graphics
- 5. Bonus Section
- 1. Bonus Lecture