- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction to Unreal Engine
- 3. Your First Challenge
- 4. Installing the Engine
- 5. Our First Project
- 6. Editor Layout
- 7. Play In Editor
- 8. Manipulating Objects
- 9. Perspective
- 10. File Types
- 11. Mesh Scale
- 12. Materials
- 13. Drone Material
- 14. Marketplace Assets
- 15. Migrating Assets
- 2. The Blueprint Visual Scripting System
- 1. What is Blueprint
- 2. The Level Blueprint
- 3. Creating a Blueprint Class
- 4. Components
- 5. Append String
- 6. Coordinates
- 7. Debug Shapes
- 8. Local vs Global Space
- 3. Vectors and Rotators
- 1. Vectors
- 2. Vector Examples
- 3. Vector Examples Practice
- 4. Vector Operations
- 5. Vector Operations Examples
- 6. Vector Operations Practice
- 7. Vector Magnitude
- 8. Vector Magnitude Examples
- 9. Vector Magnitude Practice
- 10. Booleans and Branches
- 11. Vector Normalization
- 12. Vector Normalization Practice
- 13. Delta Seconds
- 14. Rotators
- 15. Rotators Practice
- 4. Bad Bot A Drone Flying Shooter Game
- 1. Multiple Materials Per Mesh
- 2. Geting a Reference to the Pawn
- 3. Interpolation
- 4. Static Mesh Sockets
- 5. Blaster Beam Mesh
- 6. Spawning Actors
- 7. Projectile Movement
- 8. Blueprint Functions
- 9. Niagara Systems
- 10. Spawning Effects
- 11. Meta Sounds
- 12. Timers
- 13. Hit Events
- 14. Expose on Spawn
- 15. Floating Spheres
- 16. Rotating the Spheres
- 17. Timelines with Float Curves
- 18. Timelines with Vector Curves
- 19. Sphere Spawner
- 20. Overlap Events
- 21. Game Mode
- 22. Bad Bot Level
- 5. Pawns and Enhanced Input
- 1. The Pawn Class
- 2. Creating a Custom Pawn Class
- 3. Adding Components to the Bot Pawn
- 4. The Enhanced Input System
- 5. Firing the Rifle
- 6. Mouse Movement
- 7. Floating Pawn Movement Component
- 8. Camera Lag
- 6. Collision Essentials
- 1. Unreal Engine's Collision Framework
- 2. Collision Complexity
- 3. Queries
- 4. Sweeeping Collisions
- 5. Set Actor Location with Sweeping
- 6. Collisions with Physics
- 7. Collision with Movement Components
- 8. Collision Callbacks
- 9. Custom Collision Presets
- 10. Custom Collision Object Types
- 7. Bad Bot Wrap Up and Boss Fight
- 1. Material Instances
- 2. Blueprint Interfaces
- 3. Widget Blueprints
- 4. Line Trace for Aiming
- 5. Level Assets
- 6. Bot Spawn Volume
- 7. Spawning Bots
- 8. Boss Bot
- 9. Boss Challenge
- 10. Boss Challenge Pt 2
- 8. Jetpack Journey a 3D Platformer with a Jetpack
- 1. The Character Class
- 2. Creating the Kix Character
- 3. Kix Game Mode
- 4. Camera and SpringArm
- 5. Look Input Action
- 6. Kix Player Controller
- 7. WASD Movement
- 8. Clean Nodes
- 9. Jumping
- 10. Console Controllers
- 11. Animations
- 12. Blendspaces
- 13. State Machines
- 14. Movement Parameters
- 15. State Alias
- 16. Skeletal Mesh Sockets
- 17. Thruster Effect Components
- 18. Activating Thrusters
- 19. Thruster Sounds
- 20. Flying Mode
- 21. Thruster Movement Input
- 22. Flying Blendspace
- 23. Blend Poses vs State Machines
- 24. Sound Notifies
- 25. Jet Fuel
- 26. Enforcing Jet Fuel
- 27. Fuel Assets
- 28. Jet Fuel Actor
- 29. Refilling Jet Fuel
- 30. Juicing it Up
- 31. Widget Blueprints
- 32. Fuel Bar
- 33. Class Dependencies
- 34. Updating the Fuel Bar
- 35. Casting and Memory
- 36. Texture Compression
- 37. Soft References
- 9. Platformer Mechanics and Advanced Skills
- 1. Platforms
- 2. Pressure Plate
- 3. Moving the Plate
- 4. Interact Interface
- 5. Floating Platform
- 6. Ping Pong Platform
- 7. Placing Items
- 8. Packed Level Actors
- 9. Win and Lose
- 10. End Game Menu
- 11. Menu Functionality
- 12. Event Dispatchers
- 13. Data Types
- 14. The Construction Script
- 10. A 2D Dungeon Crawler Red Hood
- 1. Free 2D Assets
- 2. Project Creation
- 3. Sprites
- 4. Flipbooks
- 5. Paper Character
- 6. Camera Settings
- 7. Input
- 8. PaperZD
- 9. Locomotion
- 10. Transitional Animations
- 11. Sound Notifies
- 12. Jump Sounds
- 13. State Events
- 14. Tilesets
- 15. Tileset Layers
- 16. Sort Priority
- 17. 2D Level
- 18. Level and Adjustments
- 19. Enemy Class
- 20. Behavior Tree
- 21. Behavior Tree Tasks
- 22. Decorators
- 23. Patrol Box Overlaps
- 24. Services
- 25. Custom Decorators
- 26. Attack Task
- 27. Skeleton Sounds
- 28. Box Trace
- 29. Anim Notifies
- 30. Trace for Objects
- 31. Hit React
- 32. Disable Movement
- 33. Hit React Effects
- 34. Damage and Health
- 35. Player Health Bar
- 36. Updating the Health Bar
- 37. Damage Numbers
- 38. Attack Input Action
- 39. Throttling Attacks
- 40. Attack Combo
- 41. Attack Count
- 42. Attack Anim Array
- 43. Structures Attack Anim Data
- 44. Reset Attack Variables
- 45. RedHood Hit Boxes
- 46. Skeletons Getting Hit
- 47. Combat Effects
- 48. Damage Numbers on Skellies
- 49. Enemy Health Bars
- 50. Enemy Death
- 11. Chaos Vehicles
- 1. Assets
- 2. Combining Static Meshes
- 3. Adding a Skeleton
- 4. Skinning the Mesh
- 5. Vehicle Physics Asset
- 6. Wheel Blueprints
- 7. Torque Curve
- 8. Animation Blueprint
- 9. Vehicle Blueprint
- 10. Vehicle Inputs
- 11. Moving the Vehicle
- 12. Migrating the Vehicle
- 13. Interact Widget
- 14. Interactables
- 15. Interact
- 16. Possessing the Vehicle
- 17. Edge Cases
- 18. Exiting the Vehicle