- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. New 2D Project
- 2. Main Menu & Game Assets
- 1. Main Menu
- 3. Player Health
- 1. Player Health
- 4. Inventory
- 1. Inventory UI Canvas
- 2. Scriptable Object
- 3. Item Slot UI Script
- 4. Inventory script Variable and functions
- 5. Inventory Script
- 6. Weapon Damage
- 5. Shop
- 1. Shop Item UI Canvas
- 2. Shop Item Script
- 6. Save system
- 1. Saving and loading Inventory
- 2. Player damage and Enemy Damage
- 3. Continue button in main menu
- 4. Player Revive after Death
- 5. design Inventory
- 6. Craft System UI
- 7. crafting scripts
- 8. Item pickup and save and load item in scene
- 9. 21)Player movement left & Right
- 10. Player jump
- 11. Enemy controller script
- 12. Player shooting
- 13. Player Animation shooting
- 14. Enemy animation design