在软件测试中学习生成式 AI
- 1 - Introduction to AI Testing terminologies
- 1 - Introduction to AI Terminologies for Testing
- 2 - 3 phases of Course Curriculum overview
- 2 - Generate Test Plan Test Cases Test Strategy Test Data using AI
- 3 - Generating Test Plan for the Project business requirements using AI
- 4 - Generating Test Cases for the requirements using AI
- 5 - Generating Test Strategy Shift Left Testing with the given Test cases using AI
- 6 - Generate Test Data combinations for the given tests using AI
- 3 - Generating Automation Code for Front end Applications using AI
- 7 - Generate Cucumber Gherkin Step Definitions for Testcases using AI
- 8 - Generating Custom code utils in PlaywrightCypressSelenium using AI
- 9 - Optimizing the given code with specific code standards using AI
- 10 - Selecting right AI tool if you are not satisfied with your answers
- 4 - Introduction to AI Powered exclusive Testing tools
- 11 - Understanding the capabilities of AI powered Testing tools
- 12 - Introduction to TestRigor AI tool and its features on creating Tests using AI
- 13 - Generating Automatic Test cases on fly with the english requirements
- 14 - Understanding Scripting language of Test Rigor with a demo test
- 15 - Self Healing capabilities to fix tests using AI powered testing tools
- 5 - Generating Automation Code for API Applications using AI
- 16 - Using Generative AI for API Testing parsing Json responses
- 17 - Generating POJO classes for complex Json and generate Java methods using AI
- 18 - Generating API tests in Cypress Playwright with the given API contract
- 19 - Generating complex SQL Queries for Datbase tables using AI
- 6 - Final words Future of AI
- 20 - How AI can be your best buddy for coding practice and implementation
- 21 - Forecasting the future of AI What would be in coming 2 years