- 1 - Introduction
- 1 - Introduction to Data Science for Healthcare
- 2 - Python Basics for Data Science
- 2 - Module 2 Introduction
- 3 - Module 21 Variables Data Types and Operators
- 4 - Module 22 part I Loops and Data Structures
- 5 - Module 22 part II Loops and Data Structures
- 6 - Module 23 part I More Lists Methods and Functions
- 7 - Module 23 part II More Lists Methods and Functions
- 8 - Module 24 part I Libraries and ObjectOriented Programming
- 9 - Module 24 part II Libraries and ObjectOriented Programming
- 3 - Acquiring and Importing Data
- 10 - Module 3 Introduction
- 11 - Module 3 part I Acquiring and Importing Data
- 12 - Module 3 part II Acquiring and Importing Data
- 4 - Data Wrangling
- 13 - Module 4 Introduction
- 14 - Module 4 part I Data Wrangling
- 15 - Module 4 part II Data Wrangling
- 5 - Exploratory Data Analysis
- 16 - Module 5 Introduction
- 17 - Module 5 part I Exploratory Data Analysis
- 18 - Module 5 part II Exploratory Data Analysis
- 6 - Data Preprocessing
- 19 - Module 6 Introduction
- 20 - Module 6 part I Data Preprocessing
- 21 - Module 6 part II Data Preprocessing
- 7 - Machine Learning
- 22 - Module 7 Introduction
- 23 - Module 7 part I Machine Learning
- 24 - Module 7 part II Machine Learning
- 25 - Module 7 part III Machine Learning
- 8 - Visualization and Presentation
- 26 - Module 8 Introduction
- 27 - Module 8 Notes