C++ 重构训练营 - 将现代 C++ 应用于遗留代码
C + + Refactoring Bootcamp - Apply Modern C + + to Legacy Code
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Course Overview
- 2. Course Prerequisistes
- 2. Refactoring legacy codes in imminent
- 1. Setting the expectations Assumptions vs reality of working with C++ at work
- 2. Refactoring oppotunities in legacy code bases
- 3. Using modern to tool to write modern C++ code
- 4. Refactoring basics - Brief overview applicable in majoirty scenarios
- 5. Code smells and anti patterns one must avoid and remove from legacy code
- 6. Refactoring Best practices at a glance
- 3. Coding Exercises - Practice Zone
- 1. Approach to solve the coding excercises in the course
- 4. Conclusion
- 1. Closing remarks