Django Celery 精通 - Python 异步任务处理
Django Celery Mastery - Python Asynchronous Task Processing
- 1. Source Code
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Setup Guides
- 1. [Windows] Installing Python
- 2. [Windows] Visual Studio Code Induction
- 3. [Windows] Creating Virtual Environments
- 4. [macOS] Visual Studio Code Induction
- 5. [macOS] Installing Python
- 6. [macOS] Creating Virtual Environments
- 3. Preparing a Django Celery Working Environment
- 1. Introducing Django Celery
- 2. Introducing Task Producers
- 3. Building a Django Docker Container
- 4. Building a Redis Docker Container
- 5. Introducing Task consumers (Workers)
- 6. Building a Celery Worker Docker Container
- 7. Introducing Results Backend
- 4. Defining and Executing Celery Tasks
- 1. Creating and Registering Celery Tasks in Django
- 2. Starting the Celery Worker
- 3. Initiating a Celery Task
- 4. Creating a new standalone Celery Worker
- 5. Introducing Tasks Routing
- 6. Configuring Task Routing
- 7. Introducing Celery Task Prioritization
- 8. Configuring Task Prioritization (Redis)
- 9. The Primitives - Task Grouping
- 10. The Primitives - Task Chaining
- 11. Task Rate limits
- 12. Configuring Task Prioritization (RabbitMQ)
- 13. Passing arguments and returning results from Celery tasks
- 14. Executing tasks synchronously and asynchronously
- 15. Monitoring Celery Workers and Tasks with Flower
- 5. Handling Task Failures and Retries
- 1. Common Types of Exceptions and Errors in Celery Tasks
- 2. Dynamic Task Discovery in Celery Auto-discovering Tasks in a Directory
- 3. Error Handling Try Except Blocks
- 4. Handling Errors in Celery Tasks with Custom Task Classes
- 5. Implementing Automatic Retries
- 6. Error Handling in Groups
- 7. Towards Error Handling in Task Chains
- 8. Towards Dead-letter Queues Handling Failed Tasks
- 9. Task Timeouts and Task Revoking (Using task time limits and timeouts)
- 10. Handling Errors in Task Result Callbacks
- 11. Task Signals Graceful Shutdown and Cleanup of Failed Tasks
- 12. Error Tracking and Monitoring with Sentry
- 6. Task Scheduling and Periodic Tasks
- 1. Introduction to Task Scheduling
- 2. Scheduling Tasks to Run at Specific Times or Intervals
- 3. Implementing Periodic Tasks Customization
- 4. Crontab Schedules
- 5. Implement Schedule Persistence for Celery in a Django Application
- 6. Schedule a Django Custom Command with Celery Beat
- 7. Monitoring Service Status Including Custom Event Tracking and Alerting