Flutter 初学者教程 - 构建自己的应用程序
Flutter Beginner Tutorial - Build own App
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Welcome
- 2. DartPad main print
- 4. Variables
- 5. Constant
- 6. Variables interaction
- 7. Conditions
- 8. Methods without a return value
- 9. Methods with parameters
- 10. Methods withe return
- 11. Fat arrow methods
- 12. Lists
- 13. For loop
- 14. Classes and object example
- 15. Constructor
- 16. Class methods
- 17. Inheritance
- 18. Overriting method
- 19. Maps
- 2. Flutter
- 1. Install android studio
- 2. Create new project
- 3. Android studio overview
- 4. Emulator
- 5. Start App
- 6. Main print
- 7. Container
- 8. TextWidget
- 9. Center
- 10. Stateless widget
- 11. Stateful widget
- 12. Stateful widget state
- 13. Displaying multiple elements
- 14. Padding
- 15. Cards
- 16. Icons
- 17. Expanded
- 18. Images
- 19. Material Design App bar
- 20. Navigation drawer
- 21. Floating Action Button
- 22. Material Theme colors
- 23. Body
- 24. Textfield
- 25. Checkbox
- 26. Radio buttons
- 27. Routing
- 28. Listview Items
- 29. ListView add
- 30. Fixing bug
- 31. See ya