完整的 Python 课程 - 从基础到高级(2024)
Complete Python Course - From Basics to Advanced (2024)
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Python & AI A Perfect Match
- 2. Python vs The World A Comparative Study of Programming Languages
- 3. Python's Killer Features Why It's Loved by Many
- 4. Setting Up Python Your First Step into the Python Universe - Part 1
- 5. Setting Up Python Your First Step into the Python Universe - Part 2
- 2. Python Building Blocks Variables & Data Types
- 1. Overview The Foundation of Python
- 2. Variables Python's Storage Boxes
- 3. Python's Data Types An Introduction
- 4. Variables & Data Types A Practical Approach
- 5. Type Casting in Python Changing Data Types Like a Pro - Part 1
- 6. Type Casting in Python Changing Data Types Like a Pro - Part 2
- 3. Operators
- 1. A Comprehensive Overview of Python Operators - Part 1
- 2. A Comprehensive Overview of Python Operators - Part 2
- 3. Arithmetic & Assignment Operators Making Python Do the Math - Part 1
- 4. Arithmetic & Assignment Operators Making Python Do the Math - Part 2
- 5. Comparison & Logical Operators Making Decisions with Python - Part 1
- 6. Comparison & Logical Operators Making Decisions with Python - Part 2
- 7. Exploring Bitwise, Identity & Membership Operators - Part 1
- 8. Exploring Bitwise, Identity & Membership Operators - Part 2
- 9. Operator Overloading, Precedence & Associativity Python's Order of Operations-1
- 10. Operator Overloading, Precedence & Associativity Python's Order of Operations-2
- 4. Python Control Flow Conditional Statements & Loops
- 1. Overview Controlling the Flow of Your Python Programs
- 2. Conditional Statements Python's Decision Makers
- 3. Hands-On with Python's Conditional Statements
- 4. Loops in Python Automating Repetition
- 5. Looping in Python A Practical Approach Part 1
- 6. Looping in Python A Practical Approach Part 2
- 5. Python Data Structures Organizing Your Data
- 1. Overview The Blueprint of Python's Data Structures
- 2. Introduction to Python's Data Structures
- 3. Hands-On with Lists Python's Flexible Data Containers Part 1
- 4. Hands-On with Lists Python's Flexible Data Containers Part 2
- 5. From Lists to Data Structures A Hands-On Approach
- 6. List Operations in Python An Audio-Visual Guide Part 1
- 7. List Operations in Python An Audio-Visual Guide Part 2
- 8. Dictionaries in Python Key-Value Pairs at Your Fingertips
- 9. Tuples in Python Immutable & Trustworthy
- 10. Sets in Python Unique & Unordered
- 6. Python Functions
- 1. Python Functions A Brief Overview
- 2. Decoding Python Functions
- 3. Python Functions A Look at Different Types
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