Java 编程 - 从 A 到 Z 的循序渐进
Java Programming - Step by Step from A to Z
- 01 - Introduction
- 001 Introduction
- 02 - More About Operators
- 001 More about operators
- 002 Logical operators
- 003 Ternary operators
- 004 Type comparison operator
- 03 - WrapperClasses, Autoboxing & Unboxing
- 001 Wrapper classes
- 002 Autoboxing and unboxing
- 003 Wrapper classes main methods
- 004 Number and boolean wrapper classes and methods
- 005 Character wrapper classes and methods
- 04 - Memory Management
- 001 Garbage collection overview
- 002 Garbage collection - finalize ()
- 003 Stack memory and heap memory
- 004 Heap memory example
- 05 - Overloading & Overriding
- 001 More about constructors - overloading
- 002 Constructor overloading
- 003 Method overloading
- 004 Overloading vs. overriding in Java
- 06 - Everything about Strings
- 001 More about Strings (String Pool)
- 002 String comparison
- 003 String intern() method
- 004 String methods
- 005 More about Strings (immutability)
- 006 StringBuilder and StringBuffer
- 007 StringBuilder examples
- 07 - Enums, Dates & Time
- 001 Enums overview
- 002 Enums example
- 003 Dates and time overview
- 004 Dates and time - classic way
- 005 Dates and time - new way
- 08 - Conditional Statements & Loops
- 001 More about if statements (nested if)
- 002 Nested if example
- 003 More about for loops (nested loops)
- 004 Nested loops example
- 09 - Arrays, Varargs & ArrayList
- 001 More about arrays
- 002 Array methods
- 003 Passing returning arrays - anonymous arrays
- 004 Multidimensional arrays overview
- 005 Multidimensional arrays example
- 006 Varargs overview
- 007 Varargs example
- 008 ArrayLists overview
- 009 ArrayLists methods
- 10 - Generics & Collections Framework
- 001 Generics overview
- 002 Generic methods
- 003 Generic classes
- 004 Wildcards overview
- 005 Generic upper bounded wildcards
- 006 Generic lower bounded wildcards
- 007 Generic unbounded wildwards
- 11 - Collections Framework
- 001 Collection framework overview
- 002 ArrayList and LinkedList
- 003 PriorityQueue
- 004 ArrayDeque
- 005 HashSet, LinkedHashSet and TreeSet
- 006 HashMap, LinkedHashMap and TreeMap
- 12 - More About Classes
- 001 More about classes - nested classes
- 002 Local inner classes
- 003 Member inner classes
- 004 Static nested classes
- 005 Anonymous inner classes
- 13 - Exceptions
- 001 Exceptions overview
- 002 Exceptions example I
- 003 Exceptions example II
- 004 Exceptions example III
- 005 Differences between final, finally and finalize
- 14 - Deep Dive Into Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- 001 OOP overview
- 002 Different types of inheritance
- 003 Polymorphism with multilevel inheritance and runtime polymorphism
- 004 Encapsulation - advanced encapsulation
- 005 Encapsulation - encapsulation with mutable classes
- 006 Encapsulation - JavaBean
- 007 Abstraction - more about interfaces
- 008 Abstraction - nested interface
- 15 - Serialization, Lambda Expressions & Lambda References
- 001 What is Serialization
- 002 Serialization example
- 003 Lambda expression and functional interface
- 004 Lambda expression
- 005 Functional interfaces
- 006 Method reference overview
- 007 Method references example I
- 008 Method references example II
- 009 forEach with lambda and method reference
- 16 - Optional & Streams
- 001 What is an Optional
- 002 Optional overview example
- 003 Optional map, flatMap example
- 004 Stream
- 005 Operation of the stream
- 006 Stream methods
- 007 Filtering map with stream
- 008 Parallel stream
- 009 Sequential vs. parallel stream
- 17 - Multithreading & Synchronization
- 001 Multithreading introduction
- 002 How to create threads
- 003 Multithreading example
- 004 Synchronization
- 005 Synchronized
- 006 Synchronized block
- 007 Synchronization - wait, notify
- 18 - Design Patterns Overview
- 001 What are design patterns
- 002 Singleton pattern
- 003 Immutable object pattern
- 004 Builder pattern
- 005 Factory pattern
- 19 - Epilogue
- 001 Epilogue and recommendations