Java 基础 - 掌握基础知识
Java Foundations - Mastering the Basics
- 1. Introduction to Java Programming
- 1. Overview of Java and its applications
- 2. Setting up the development environment
- 3. Writing and executing a basic Java program
- 2. Java Basics
- 1. Variables and data types
- 2. Arithmetic Operators
- 3. Logical Operators and conditions
- 4. Arrays
- 5. Inputs
- 6. Control structures if-else loop
- 7. While loop
- 8. For loop
- 9. Methods
- 3. Object-Oriented Programming
- 1. Classes and objects
- 2. Encapsulation and access modifiers
- 3. Inheritance
- 4. Polymorphism Methods overriding & Method overloading
- 5. Static and final keywords
- 6. Interfaces
- 4. Exception Handling
- 1. Introduction to exceptions and error handling
- 2. Multi-line try-catch blocks
- 5. Project Note keeper
- 1. Creating frames for the application
- 2. Adding text area and scrollbar
- 3. Adding the menubar and menu items
- 4. Creating new files
- 5. Openingreading files
- 6. Savingwriting files Part 1
- 7. Savingwriting files Part 2
- 8. Adding edit menu
- 9. Adding format menu
- 6. Conclusion
- 1. Adding Icon images
- 2. Adding keyboard shortcuts
- 3. Course Overview & next steps in Java programming