从头开始学习 JPA、PostgreSQL、Spring Boot 和 Hibernate 基础知识
JPA, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot and Hibernate Basics From Scracth
- 1. Introduction to JPA, PostgreSQL, Spring Boot & Hibernate Basics From Scracth
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Install Java 17 On Windows
- 3. Install Eclipse on windows
- 4. Install Intellij on windows
- 2. Introduction to Spring Boot
- 1. What is Spring Boot
- 2. Postman
- 3. Intoduction to Lombok
- 4. Lombok Examples
- 5. Rest Api with Spring
- 6. Maven Dependencies and HTTP Converters
- 7. RequestBody and Response Body
- 3. Spring Data JPA
- 1. What is ORM
- 2. Hibernate
- 3. JPA and Spring Data JPA
- 4. Creating Project To Examine Annotations
- 5. Connecting To PostgreSQL Database
- 6. Introduction to Docker
- 7. Postgre install on Docker
- 8. Installation of Postgres with Installer
- 9. DBeaver
- 4. Annotations
- 1. Entity And Table Annotation
- 2. Id and Column Annotations in JPA
- 3. Timestamp in JPA
- 5. Crud Methods
- 1. Creating Api Controller and Service Class
- 2. Database Operations with JPA Repository
- 3. Adding Entities
- 4. Model Mapper
- 5. Find All method in JPA repository
- 6. FindById Method in JPA repository
- 7. Save method in JPA repository For update
- 8. Delete By Id
- 9. Count and ExistById
- 6. Query Methods
- 1. Query Methods
- 2. Query Method With Single Field name
- 3. Query Method with multiple fields
- 4. Greater and Less methods
- 5. In and Limit Usage
- 6. Query Annotations
- 7. Pagination and Sorting
- 8. Relationships Between Entities
- 9. Spring Data JPA with different databases.
- 7. Introduction to PostgreSQL
- 1. What is PostgreSQL
- 2. Basic Architecture Of PostgreSQL
- 8. Basic SQL Language
- 1. Relational-Model Concepts Database-Table RowColumn
- 2. Normalization
- 3. Tables And Foreign Keys
- 4. Adding And Manipulating Data Into Table
- 5. Querying data - Basic Select Statement
- 6. Querying data - Like Operator And Basic Pattern Searching
- 7. Querying data - Retrieve Records Sorted
- 8. Querying data - LIMIT OFFSET and FETCH Keywords
- 9. Join Tables
- 10. Distinct Keyword and Grouping Results
- 11. Window Functions
- 12. Views - Simple Views
- 13. Views - Updateable Views
- 14. Views - Recursive Views
- 15. Views - Materialized Views
- 16. Transactions
- 9. SQL In More Detail
- 1. SQL Basics -Lexical Structure
- 2. SQL Basics -Identifiers And Keywords
- 3. SQL Basics -Constants
- 4. SQL Basics -Operators
- 5. SQL Basics -Comments
- 6. Sequence
- 7. Data Definition - Table Basics
- 8. Data Definition - Default Values
- 9. Data Definition - Generated Columns
- 10. Data Definition - System Columns
- 11. Data Definition -Constraints
- 12. Data Definition - Check Constraint
- 13. Data Definition - Not null constraint
- 14. Data Definition - Unique Key Constraint
- 15. Data Definition - Primary key
- 16. Data Definition - Foreign Key
- 17. Data Definition - Exclusion Constraint
- 18. Data Definition - Modifying Table
- 19. Data Definition - Privileges
- 20. Data Definition - Row Security Policies
- 21. Data Definition - Schemas
- 22. Data Definition - Inheritance
- 23. Table Partitioning
- 24. Data Definition - Dependency Tracking
- 25. Queries - Join Types
- 26. Queries - Subqueries
- 27. Queries - Combining Queries
- 28. Queries - Group By And Having Clauses
- 29. Queries - Grouping Sets, Cube And Rollup
- 30. Queries - With Queries Common Table Expressions
- 31. Queries - Recursive With Queries
- 32. Data Types - Numeric Types
- 33. Data Types - Monetary Types
- 34. Data Types - Character Types
- 35. Data Types - Binary Data Types
- 36. Data Types - Datetime Types
- 37. Data Types -Boolean Types
- 38. Data Types - Enumerated Types
- 39. Data Types - Network Address Types
- 40. Data Types - Bit String Types
- 41. Data Types - UUID Types
- 42. Data Types - XML Type
- 43. Data Types - JSON Type
- 44. Data Types - Arrays