JavaScript 基础知识 - 从头解锁 Web 开发
JavaScript Essentials - Unlock Web Development from Scratch
- 1. JavaScript Fundamentals
- 1. Setting Up the Development Environment
- 2. Basic Syntax
- 3. Variables and Data Types
- 4. Operators and Expressions
- 2. Control the Flow
- 1. Introduction to Control Flow
- 2. Conditional Statements if, else if, and else
- 3. The switch Statement
- 4. Understanding Loops for, while, do...while
- 3. Functions and Scope
- 1. Introduction to Functions and Scope
- 2. Types of Functions
- 3. Function Parameters and Return Values
- 4. Understanding Scope
- 5. Closures and Higher-Order Functions
- 4. Working with Data Structures
- 1. Introduction to Data Structures
- 2. JavaScript Arrays
- 3. JavaScript Objects
- 4. Array and Object Manipulation
- 5. DOM Manipulation
- 1. Introduction to the DOM
- 2. Selecting Elements
- 3. Modifying Elements
- 4. Creating and Removing Elements
- 5. Event Handling in JavaScript