Next.js 13 - 使用 NextAuth 构建全栈身份验证
Next.js 13 - Build a Full-Stack Authentication with NextAuth
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction to the course
- 2. Branching strategy
- 3. Everyting you need
- 2. Getting started Project setup
- 1. Setting up the Next.js 13 project
- 2. Installing Prisma ORM
- 3. Connecting to a Postgresql database
- 4. Creating the User model in the database
- 5. Installing the Prisma client
- 6. Setting up NextAuth
- 3. Creating the authentication system
- 1. Creating a custom login page
- 2. Creating a custom registration page
- 3. Creating the registration API endpoint
- 4. Creating the login API endpoint
- 5. Connecting the registration form
- 6. Connecting the login form
- 7. Protecting the home page
- 8. Protecting API endpoints