Python A - Z - 初学者到高级开发人员的完整指南
Python A - Z - Complete Guide for Beginners to Advanced Devs
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Setting up the Python environment
- 2. Basic Programming Concepts
- 1. Comment in Python Programming
- 2. Data Types in Python
- 3. Variables in Python
- 4. Basic Operators 1
- 5. Basic Operators 2
- 6. String Operations
- 7. String Formatting
- 3. Control Structure
- 1. Conditional Statement
- 2. Python Loop
- 4. Data Structure
- 1. List and list comprehensions in python
- 2. Tuple in Python
- 3. Dictionary in Python
- 4. Sets in Python
- 5. Functions
- 1. Defining and calling functions
- 2. Scope and Lifetime of variables
- 6. Input & Output in Python
- 1. Input function in python
- 2. Reading from and writing to Text File
- 3. Reading from and writing to CSV File
- 7. Error and Exception Handling
- 1. Error Type in Python
- 2. Try, Except, Finally
- 8. Modules and Packages
- 1. Importing Module in Python
- 2. Creating a Custom Module
- 3. Python Package
- 9. Advanced Data Structure
- 1. Collections module
- 2. Iterators and generators
- 10. Functional Programming
- 1. Lambdas
- 2. Higher-order function - map
- 3. Higher-order function - filter
- 4. Higher-order function - reduce
- 11. Object-Oriented Programming (OOP)
- 1. Classes and objects
- 2. Inheritance
- 3. Polymorphism
- 4. Encapsulation
- 12. Projects
- 1. Password Generator Project
- 2. Create Two-Factor Authentication System
- 3. Create Two-Factor Authentication System - With Email Functionality
- 4. Guess the Number Game Project
- 5. Create a Chatbot Project
- 13. Introduction to Web Scraping
- 1. Basic HTML Parsing with Python
- 2. Web scraping program with BeautifulSoup
- 14. Python GUI Calculator Project - Tkinter
- 1. GUI Calculator - 1
- 2. Create Two-Factor Authentication System
- 3. GUI Calculator - 2
- 4. GUI Calculator - 3
- 15. Data Analysis and Data Visualization
- 1. Read the Data & Initialize Data Exploration
- 2. Data Analysis
- 3. Data Visualization
- 4. Exporting Analyzed Data