适合初学者的 React、Next JS Redux 状态管理
React, Next JS Redux State Management for Absolute Beginners
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. GitHub Repository
- 2. Installation of necessary packages
- 1. Installation of packages.
- 2. Creating the redux folder and adding files.
- 3. Understanding the theoritical aspects of Redux
- 1. Understand Redux Terminologies - Part 1 (Actions, Reducers, Types)
- 2. Understand Redux Terminologies - Part 2 (Actions, Reducers, Types)
- 3. Redux Pseudo code for better understanding of Redux.
- 4. Code Implementation of Redux in our React Project
- 1. Creating the initial state in redux.
- 2. Creating reducers, actions and types - Part 1
- 3. Creating reducers, actions and types - Part 2
- 4. Integrating Redux by adding Provider wrapper in index.js - Part 1
- 5. Integrating Redux by adding Provider wrapper in index.js - Part 2
- 6. Running the project
- 5. Hooks involved in Redux
- 1. What is useDispatch and useSelector in redux and code implementation - Part 1
- 2. What is useDispatch and useSelector in redux and code implementation - Part 2
- 6. Project 1 - TODO with redux
- 1. Creating TodoReducer
- 2. Explanation of code in TodoReducer
- 3. Full explanation of what is a spread operator in object and array.(Redux way)
- 7. Project 2 - Redux integration with Backend API
- 1. API Project - Part 1
- 2. API Project - Part 2
- 8. Real World Examples and why State management libraries like redux are important
- 1. Real World Example
- 9. Conclusion
- 1. Course Recap
- 2. Conclusion