关系数据库和 SQL
Relational Databases and SQL
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Excerpts
- 3. Databases
- 4. Data Abstractions
- 5. Data Models
- 6. Relational Databases
- 7. Data Types
- 8. Constraints
- 9. Exercises I
- 10. Solutions to Ex. I
- 2. Basic SQL Commands
- 1. SQL Commands - Part I (Initialize DB)
- 3. Solutions to Ex. II
- 4. SQL Commands - Part II (CRUD)
- 6. Solutions to Ex. III
- 3. Normalization and Normal Forms
- 1. Normalization and Normal Forms
- 2. NF 1-3
- 3. Exercises IV
- 4. Solutions to Ex. IV
- 5. NF 4-5
- 6. DKNF and NF6
- 8. Solutions to Ex. V
- 4. Advanced SQL Commands
- 1. Union
- 2. Joins - Part I
- 3. Joins - Part II
- 4. Aggregate Functions
- 5. Group By
- 6. Order By and Having
- 8. Solutions to Ex. VI
- 10. Solutions to Ex. VII
- 11. End