使用 WinAutomation 8 实现机器人流程自动化
Robotic Process Automation using WinAutomation 8
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction to WinAutomation
- 2. Basic Variales & Data Types
- 3. Basic Loops & Conditionals
- 4. Files & Folders Automation
- 2. Exception handling, transaction logging and flow control
- 1. Exception Handling
- 2. Transaction Logging
- 3. Flow Control & Debugging
- 3. Automation in email, excel, PDF, database and XML
- 1. Email and Outlook Automation
- 2. Excel Automation
- 3. PDF Automation
- 4. Database Automation
- 5. XML Automation
- 4. Windows and Web Automation
- 1. Windows Automation
- 2. Web Automation
- 5. Surface Automation and Recorders
- 1. Surface Automation
- 2. Recorders
- 6. Attended Automation, Console Elements and System Integration & External Services
- 1. System Interaction & External Services
- 2. Console Elements
- 3. Attended Automation