SQL 初学者 - 学习与数据库通信
SQL For Beginners - Learn to communicate with databases
- 01 - Setup Database and MySQL Workbench
- 001 Introduction
- 002 What is SQL
- 003 What is MySQL
- 004 Download and Install MySQL (Windows)
- 005 MySQL Installation ( Macs )
- 006 What is MySQL Workbench
- 007 Installing MySQL Workbench on Macs
- 008 Basic Database Concepts
- 009 What is a Schema
- 010 Setting up default database in MySQL
- 011 Showing existing database
- 012 Showing existing tables
- 013 Create your first database
- 014 Create your first table
- 015 Basic MySQL Commands
- 02 - Data Manipulation
- 001 Create a database
- 002 SQL CREATE TABLE Statement
- 003 SQL INSERT Statement
- 004 SQL UPDATE Statement
- 005 SQL DELETE Statement
- 006 Primary Key
- 007 Foreign Key
- 03 - SQL Queries
- 001 What is an SQL Statement Query
- 002 SQL WHERE clause
- 003 SQL SELECT Statement
- 004 Removing duplicates with SQL DISTINCT
- 005 Sorting Data with ORDER BY clause
- 006 Grouping data with GROUP BY clause
- 007 SQL HAVING clause
- 008 SQL Subqueries
- 009 Nested subquery
- 04 - SQL Operators
- 001 BETWEEN Operator in SQL
- 002 LIKE Operator in SQL
- 003 LIMIT Clause in SQL
- 004 IN Operator in SQL
- 005 SQL UNION Operator
- 05 - Joining Data From Multiple Tables
- 001 INNER Join
- 06 - Aggregate Functions
- 001 What are Aggregate Functions
- 002 AVG Aggregate Function
- 003 COUNT Aggregate Functions
- 004 MAX Aggregate Functions
- 005 MIN Aggregate Functions
- 006 SUM Aggregate Functions