使用 Python、Reddit、Twitter 和 ChatGPT 来追踪股票趋势
Trending Stocks with Python, Reddit, Twitter, and ChatGPT
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Project Overview
- 3. Project Setup and Logging
- 2. Collecting and analyzing data from Reddit
- 1. Creating a Reddit App
- 2. Getting Submissions and Comments
- 3. Finding Stock Tickers on Reddit Part 1
- 4. Finding Stock Tickers on Reddit Part 2
- 3. Collecting and analyzing data from Twitter
- 4. Removing Duplicate Tweets From List
- 4. Combining Reddit and Twitter Results
- 2. Validating Tickers
- 5. Using ChatGPT to Generate Summaries
- 1. Creating an OpenAI Account and Making a Completion Request
- 2. Getting Stock Comment Summaries
- 6. Automating Email Notifications
- 1. Using an Email Template
- 2. Sending the Email with SMTP
- 7. Uploading logs to AWS S3
- 1. Uploading logs to AWS S3
- 8. Conclusion
- 1. Thank You All!