WordPress 网站建设基本培训
WordPress Essential Training for Building Websites
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What is need to get started
- 3. What is WordPress
- 4. Tips for domain name and hosting account
- 5. What is WordPress.ORG and WordPressdotcom
- 2. Installing WordPress
- 1. Downloading WordPress
- 2. Creating Database
- 3. What is wp-config file
- 4. Connect & Transfer files with FTP
- 5. Installing WordPress on Shared Hosting
- 6. WordPress One Click Installation
- 7. Downloading & Installing Local Server Sofware Part 1
- 8. Downloading & Installing Local Server Sofware Part 2
- 3. WordPress Dashboard & Front Page
- 1. Login into Dashboard
- 2. WordPress Dashboard Introduction
- 3. WordPess Front Site Introduction
- 4. WordPress Post
- 1. Creating your first WordPress post
- 2. Title and Permalinks
- 3. Adding Main Content
- 4. Using Keyboard Shortcuts
- 5. Publish You Post
- 6. Post Revisions
- 7. Text Editor Mode
- 8. Excerpt
- 9. Difference between Posts & Pages
- 10. Categories
- 11. Tags
- 5. Adding Media to Your Post
- 1. What is Media in WordPress
- 2. Media Library
- 3. Edit Images
- 4. Inseting image into your post
- 5. Creating Image Gallary
- 6. Set Featured Image
- 7. Adding videos to Post
- 6. Pages in WordPress
- 1. What is Page
- 2. How to Create Page
- 3. Organizing Pages & Creating Sub Pages
- 7. Understand Comments in WordPress
- 1. What is Commetns in Wordpress
- 2. Enable or Disable Comments
- 3. Discussion Settings
- 8. Appearance in WordPress
- 1. What is Theme in WordPress
- 2. Adding New Themes to Our Site
- 3. Menu
- 4. Widgets
- 5. Appearance Customize
- 6. Customize Theme
- 9. WordPress Plugins
- 1. What is WordPress Plugins
- 2. Adding Plugins to Your Site
- 10. Manaing Users in WordPress
- 1. Users in WordPress
- 2. Users Roles in WordPress
- 3. User Profile
- 11. Tools & Settings
- 1. Tools
- 2. WordPress Settings
- 12. WordPress Security
- 1. Tips and Tricks to Secure your WordPress
- 13. Conclusion
- 1. Conclusion