Angular 中的迁移学习
Transfer Learning in Angular
- 1. Getting to know our course
- 1. Initial details
- 2. Seeing deep learning metaphorically
- 3. Details on how transfer learning is on the course
- 2. Transfer learning
- 1. Initial words
- 2. What is transfer learning
- 3. Feature extractors for transfer learning
- 4. Humans also make transfer learning
- 5. Machine learning is a rule finder!
- 3. Teachable Machine as a transfer learning platform
- 1. Making transfer learning accessable
- 4. Using mobilenet as feature extractor, and KNN as classifier
- 1. Palavras iniciais
- 2. Getting ready to make the feature stack for transfer learning
- 3. Creating our feature model
- 5. Using our features on the KNN model
- 5. Using a feature model based on mobilenet for teaching a neural network
- 1. Initial words
- 2. Getting ready to transfer learning
- 3. Precodes for training from features
- 4. Getting our model to extract features from images
- 5. Training our model from features from mobilenet
- 6. Using our model to separate snakes from bunnies
- 7. Advanced snakes classifications
- 6. Closing section
- 1. Final words