Vue 3 基础知识
Vue 3 Fundamentals
- 1. Course Overview
- 1. Course Overview
- 2. Getting Started with Vue
- 1. Introduction and What Well Build
- 2. A Conceptual Overview of Vue
- 3. Setting Up Our Environment
- 4. Exploring Vue Tooling Options
- 5. Creating a New Project with the Vue CLI
- 6. Exploring What the Vue CLI Created
- 7. Creating a New Project with create-vue
- 8. Cloning Our Demo Application
- 9. Modifying the Default Home Page
- 3. Creating Custom Vue Components
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Understanding Vue Components
- 3. Local Versus Global Components
- 4. Creating Our First Vue Component
- 5. Summary
- 04. Using Vue Template Syntax
- 01. Introduction
- 02. Binding Attributes to Data with v-bind
- 03. Binding to Events with v-on
- 04. Using Shorthand Bindings
- 05. Displaying Data with Interpolation
- 06. Conditionally Displaying Content with v-if and v-show
- 07. Repeating Elements with v-for
- 08. Formatting Data
- 09. Using Component Lifecycle Hooks
- 10. Sharing Component Functionality with Mixins
- 11. Summary
- 5. Using Vues Composition and Reactivity APIs
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Why Use the Composition API
- 3. Using the Composition API
- 4. Using script setup for Composition API Components
- 5. Making Components Reactive with the Reactivity API
- 6. Comparing the Different Reactivity Methods
- 7. Using Lifecycle Hooks with the Composition API
- 8. Exploring the Benefits of the Composition API
- 9. Summary
- 6. Styling Vue Components
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Global Versus Scoped Component Styles
- 3. Styling Child Components
- 4. Conditionally Applying Styles with Style Bindings
- 5. Conditionally Applying Classes with Class Bindings
- 6. Using Bindings in Component Styles
- 7. Using SASS and Other CSS Pre-processors
- 8. Summary
- 07. Communicating Between Vue Components
- 01. Introduction
- 02. Creating Child Components
- 03. Passing Data to Child Componets with Props
- 04. Validating Props
- 05. Passing Data to Parent Components with Events
- 06. Lifecycle Hooks Revisited
- 07. Using ProvideInject to Pass Data to Deeply Nested Components
- 08. Slots - Injecting Content Into Child Components
- 09. Using Named Slots
- 10. Summary
- 8. Vue Routing and Navigation
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Adding Routing to Our App
- 3. Linking to Routed Pages
- 4. Styling Links Based on the Active Route
- 5. Working with Route Params
- 6. Passing Route Params as Props
- 7. Changing the Router History Mode
- 8. Summary
- 09. Managing Vue Application State with Pinia
- 01. Introduction
- 02. What Is State Management
- 03. Creating a Pinia Store
- 04. Understanding Pinias Basics
- 05. Storing and Accessing Data in a Pinia Store
- 06. Maintaining Reactivity with Store State
- 07. Using Calculated Data (Getters) from a Pinia Store
- 08. Using Pinia Store Actions to Fetch Data from an API
- 09. Using an Options Store
- 10. Using Stores in Options API Components
- 11. Summary
- 10. Creating Custom Vue Directives
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Creating Custom Vue Directives
- 3. Passing Data to Directives
- 4. Using Directive Lifecycle Hooks
- 5. Declaring Directives Globally
- 6. Summary
- 11. Deploying Vue Applications to Production
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Creating a Production Build with the Vue CLI and Vite
- 3. Using Environment Variables and Build Modes
- 4. Deploying to a Production Webserver
- 5. Handling Deep Linking on the Server
- 6. Inspecting the Built-in Webpack Config
- 7. Customizing the Webpack Config
- 8. Customizing Vite Config
- 9. Summary