使用聊天引擎 IO 和套接字 IO 构建实时聊天应用程序
Building Real Time Chat App with Chat Engine IO and Socket IO
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction to the Course
- 2. Table of Contents
- 3. Whom This Course is Intended for
- 2. Tools, IDE, and Libraries
- 1. Tools, IDE, and Libraries
- 3. Introduction to Real Time Chat App & WebSocket
- 1. Introduction to Real Time Chat App & WebSocket
- 4. How WebSocket Works
- 1. How WebSocket Works
- 5. Project Preparation
- 1. Downloading VS Code IDE & Installing Extensions
- 6. Signing Up on Chat Engine IO & Creating New Project
- 1. Signing Up on Chat Engine IO & Creating New Project
- 7. Creating New User & New Chat on Chat Engine IO
- 1. Creating New User & New Chat on Chat Engine IO
- 8. Building Real Time Chat App with Chat Engine IO
- 1. Initializing React Project & Installing Chat Engine IO
- 2. Project ID, Username, and User Secret
- 3. Building Chat App with Chat Engine IO
- 4. Customizing Chat App User Interface
- 5. Enabling Email Notifications
- 6. Testing Chat App & Log In Using Different Usernames
- 9. Building Real Time Chat App with Socket IO
- 1. Initializing Project & Installing Socket IO
- 2. Building Chat App with Socket IO
- 3. Editing HTML File & Styling App User Interface
- 4. Testing Chat App & Sending Messages
- 10. Testing Methods for Chat App
- 1. Testing Methods for Chat App
- 11. Additional Feature Ideas for Future Enhancement
- 1. Additional Feature Ideas for Future Enhancement
- 12. Conclusion & Summary
- 1. Conclusion & Summary