- Part I Introduction
- 1. Welcome, and my journey
- 2. Your role as a sales manager
- Part II Six deadly mistakes to avoid in your first 90 days
- 1. Mistake 1- Random acts of execution
- 2. Mistake 2- Making changes too fast
- 3. Mistake 3- Inadvertently undermining your reps
- 4. Mistake 4- Trying to impact short-term revenue too fast.
- 5. Mistake 5- Under-communicating with your cross-functional partners.
- 6. Mistake 6- Under-communicating with your boss
- Part III Your first 30 days in six easy steps
- Your first 30 days in six easy steps
- Part IV The 31-60 day waterfall - OneHack.us
- 1. Crystallize your 'observations' deck
- 2. Build your 'strawman' priorities
- 3. Solidify priorities with your boss
- 4. Rollout your priorities to your team
- Part V Days 61-90 (Demonstrate momentum and quick wins)
- Demonstrate momentum, quick wins, make talent changes, and put everything in motion
- Part VI Beyond your first 90 days
- 1. Frontline Foundations
- 2. FREE BONUS- Part 1 of Sales Hiring Masterclass ($100 value)