使用 ESP32 进行物联网智能鞋开发 - 构建和创新
IoT Smart Shoe Development with ESP32 - Build and Innovate
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction to Smart Shoe Project
- 2. Introduction to ESP32
- 1. Introduction to ESP32 Board
- 2. ESP32 Power Requirements
- 3. ESP32 Board Pinout
- 4. Programming ESP32 and form factor
- 3. Programming ESP32 using Arduino Software
- 1. Installing Arduino Software (IDE)
- 2. Installing ESP32 Boards in Arduino IDE
- 3. Blinking an LED
- 4. Interfacing Force sensor with ESP32
- 1. Understanding Force Sensor
- 2. Interfacing force sensor with ESP32
- 3. Presence Sensing using Force Sensor
- 5. Interfacing force sensor with ESP32 to Read Analog Values (Optional)
- 5. Interfacing Accelerometer with ESP32
- 1. Understanding Accelerometer
- 2. Interfacing Accelerometer with ESP32
- 3. Reading Sensor Data
- 4. Reading Step Count using MPU6050 sensor
- 6. Blynk IoT Cloud New
- 1. Blynk IoT Platform
- 2. Introduction to Blynk Cloud (New)
- 3. Getting started with Blynk
- 4. Creating smart shoe project in Blynk Cloud
- 5. Creating smart shoe project in Blynk App
- 6. Installing Blynk Library
- 7. Programming Logic and Circuit Diagram
- 1. Smart Shoe Project Concept
- 2. Smart Shoe Project Programming Logic
- 3. Final Circuit Connections
- 8. Real Time Implementation and Source Code
- 1. Real Time Demonstration (Demo)- Smart Shoe