使用 Tkinter 和 Python 构建 AI 图像生成器应用程序
Build an A.I. Image Generator App With Tkinter and Python
- 1. Introduction and Installation of Tools
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Install Python
- 3. Install Sublime Text Editor and Git Bash Terminal
- 4. Create A Virtual Environment
- 2. Build Out The GUI App With CustomTkinter and Python
- 1. Create The App
- 2. Design the App Layout
- 3. TextBox Widget Error Handling
- 3. Open AI API
- 1. Intro To OpenAI
- 2. Call The OpenAI API
- 3. Create New Windows
- 4. Process The Image
- 5. Error Handling From OpenAI
- 4. Save The Image
- 1. Add A Menu To The New Window
- 2. Add A Menu To The New Window
- 3. Copy Image URL
- 4. Copy Image URL
- 5. Create a FileDialog Save As Box
- 6. Save The Image
- 5. API Key Management
- 1. Add an API Button
- 2. Add an API Button
- 3. Create a 'Save API' Window
- 4. Create a 'Save API' Window
- 5. Save API Key To File
- 6. Open API Key File
- 7. Grab API Key From File