加速 ES6 JavaScript 培训
Accelerated ES6 JavaScript Training
- 01 - Introduction
- 001 Introduction
- 003 JavaScript Languages - ES6 vs ES5
- 004 Course Format
- 006 Using ES6 Today
- 02 - Syntax Changes & Additions
- 001 Let & Block Scope
- 002 Constants with const
- 003 Hoisting in ES6
- 004 (Fat) Arrow Functions
- 005 (Fat) Arrow Functions and the this Keyword
- 006 Functions and Default Parameters
- 007 Object Literal Extensions
- 008 The Rest Operator
- 009 The Spread Operator
- 010 The for-of Loop
- 011 Template Literals
- 012 Destructuring - Arrays
- 013 Destructuring - Objects
- 014 Destructuring - Summary
- 015 Wrap Up
- 03 - Modules & Classes
- 001 Introduction
- 003 Modules Setup
- 004 Modules Basics
- 005 Import & Export Syntax
- 007 Class Basics
- 008 Classes & Prototypes
- 009 Inheritance
- 010 Inheritance & Prototypes
- 011 Static Methods
- 012 Classes & Modules
- 013 Getters & Setters
- 014 Extending Built-in Objects
- 016 Wrap Up
- 04 - Symbols
- 001 Introduction
- 002 Symbols Basics
- 003 Shared Symbols
- 004 Advantages of (unique) IDs Symbols
- 005 Well-Known Symbols
- 05 - Iterators & Generators
- 001 Introduction
- 002 Iterator Basics
- 003 Iterators in Action
- 004 Creating a Custom, Iterateable Object
- 005 Generators Basics
- 006 Generators in Action
- 007 Controlling Iterators with throw and return
- 06 - Promises
- 001 Introduction
- 002 Creating & Resolving Promises
- 003 Rejecting Promises
- 004 Chaining Promises
- 005 Catching Errors
- 006 Built-in Methods - All and Race
- 007 Wrap Up
- 07 - Extensions of Built-in Objects
- 001 Introduction
- 002 The Object
- 003 The Math Object
- 004 Strings
- 005 The Number Object
- 006 Arrays (12)
- 007 Arrays (22)
- 008 Wrap Up
- 08 - Maps & Sets
- 001 Introduction
- 002 Maps - Creation & Adding Items
- 003 Maps - Managing Items
- 004 Maps - Looping through Maps
- 005 Maps - Wrap Up
- 006 The WeakMap
- 007 Sets - Creation and Adding Items
- 008 Sets - Managing Items
- 009 Sets - Looping through Sets
- 010 Sets - Wrap Up
- 011 The WeakSet
- 09 - The Reflect API
- 001 Introduction
- 002 Creating Objects with Reflect.construct()
- 003 Calling Functions with Reflect.apply()
- 004 Reflect and Prototypes
- 005 Reflect.construct(), apply() and Prototypes Interaction
- 006 Accessing Properties with Reflect
- 007 Analyzing Objects with Reflect.ownKeys()
- 008 Creating & Deleting Properties with Reflect
- 009 Preventing Object Extensions & Wrap Up
- 10 - The Proxy API
- 001 Basics
- 002 Traps in Action
- 003 Proxies and Reflect
- 004 Using Proxies as Prototypes
- 005 Proxies as Proxies
- 006 Wrapping Functions
- 007 Revocable Proxies
- 008 Wrap Up
- 11 - Course Project
- 001 Introduction
- 002 Getting Started
- 003 DOM Interaction Selecting Elements
- 004 Listening to User Events
- 005 Fetching User Input
- 006 Http & Promises
- 007 Sending the Http Request
- 008 The Weather Data Class together with Reflect & Proxies
- 009 Fetching and Storing Weather Data
- 010 Displaying Data & Wrap Up
- 12 - Course Wrap Up
- 001 Wrap Up