高级应用程序安全 - Spring Security 5、JWT 和测试
Advanced App Security - Spring Security 5, JWT, and Testing
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. What we will build
- 3. Setup Project
- 2. User Management
- 1. Code Role Entity
- 2. Code Role Repository
- 3. Test Role Repository
- 4. Code User Entity
- 5. Code User Repository
- 6. Test User Repository
- 7. Code User Service
- 8. Test User Service
- 9. Code User Rest Controller
- 10. Test User Rest Controller
- 11. Write Integration tests for User Rest Controller
- 12. Exception Handling
- 13. Testing the Application with Postman
- 3. Securing the Application
- 1. How Spring Security works & what is a JWT
- 2. How to Secure the Application with Spring Securiy and JWT
- 3. Code UserDetailsService & UserPrincipal
- 4. Code TokenProvider
- 5. Code TokenVerifier
- 6. Code JWTAuthorizationFilter
- 7. Code JWTForbiddenEntryPoint
- 8. Code JWTAccessDeniedHandler
- 9. Code SecurityConfiguration
- 11. Code AuthRequest & JWT
- 12. Update User Service
- 13. Code AuthController
- 14. Handle Bad Credentials Exception
- 15. Application Testing