Object-Oriented Programming and Design Crash Course
- 1. Introduction
- 1. The Main Goal of Object Oriented Programming
- 2. Udemy Review System
- 2. Object
- 1. Real World Object vs OOP Object
- 2. Object vs Class
- 3. The Importance of Object's State
- 4. Responsibility
- 5. Single Responsibility Principle
- 6. OOP Object Summary
- 3. Composition
- 1. Composition Introduction
- 2. Composition Goals and Benefits
- 3. Composition Challenges
- 4. Dependency Injection
- 5. Composition Summary
- 4. Inheritance
- 1. Inheritance Introduction
- 2. Inheritance in Statically vs Dynamically Typed Languages
- 3. The Main Benefit of Inheritance in OOP
- 4. Inheritance and Code Reuse
- 5. Favor Composition over Inheritance
- 6. Inheritance Summary
- 5. Object Oriented Design
- 1. Object Oriented Programming vs Object Oriented Design
- 2. Large System Problem
- 3. Abstractions
- 4. Naming
- 5. Object Oriented Design Summary
- 6. Design Patterns
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Observer Design Pattern
- 3. Facade Design Pattern
- 4. Strategy Design Pattern
- 5. Singleton Design Pattern
- 6. Design Patterns Summary
- 7. Course Summary
- 1. Course Summary