初学者的 C++ 编程要点
C++ Programming Essentials for Beginners
- 1. Course Introduction
- 1. Introduction to Course
- 2. Course Logistics
- 2. Logical Thinking-I Flowcharts
- 1. Building Blocks of Flowchart
- 2. Flowchart - Simple Interest
- 3. Flowchart - Largest Number
- 4. Flowchart - Sum of First N Numbers
- 5. Flowchart - Sum of Multiple Inputs
- 6. Flowchart - Prime Number
- 7. Flowchart - GCD
- 8. Flowchart - Bank Employee
- 9. Flowchart - Bank Guard
- 3. Logical Thinking-II Pseudocode
- 1. Pseudocode - Notation
- 2. Pseudocode - SImple Interest
- 3. Pseudocode - Sum 1 to N
- 4. Pseudocode - Sum of N Numbers
- 5. Pseudocode - Prime or Not
- 6. Pseudocode - GCD
- 7. Pseudocode - Star Pattern
- 8. Pseudocode - Star Pyramid
- 4. C++ Getting started
- 1. C++ Boilerplate
- 3. Building & Running Code
- 4. Input & Output
- 5. C++ Diving Deeper
- 1. Preprocessor Directive
- 2. Identifiers
- 3. Keywords
- 4. Main
- 5. Namespaces
- 7. Summary
- 6. Variables, Datatypes & Storage
- 1. Variables
- 2. Datatypes
- 3. Using sizeOf Operator
- 4. Binary Number System
- 5. Storage of Integers
- 6. Data type Modifiers
- 7. Storage of Negatives Numbers
- 8. Range of Signed vs Unsigned Integers
- 9. Storage of Floats & Doubles
- 10. Storage of Characters
- 11. Storage of Booleans
- 12. Constants
- 7. Operators & Expressions
- 1. Bitwise Operators - I
- 2. Bitwise Operators - II
- 8. Flow Control - Branching
- 1. If Statement
- 2. If-Else
- 3. If Else-if Else
- 4. Multiple If Blocks
- 5. Problem - Electricity Bill Calculator
- 6. Ternary Operator
- 7. Switch Case
- 8. Problem - Simple Calculator
- 9. Flow Control - Loops
- 1. While Loop
- 2. While Example - Sum of N Inputs
- 3. For Loop
- 4. For - While Equivalence
- 5. Problem - Sum of Digits of a Number
- 6. Problem - Star Pattern
- 7. Problem - For ABCD Pattern
- 8. Problem - Print Reverse of a Number
- 9. Problem - Reverse the Actual Number
- 10. Break
- 11. Continue
- 12. Problem - Prime Number Check
- 14. Do While
- 15. Nested Loops
- 16. Problem - Number Pyramid
- 10. Functions
- 1. Introduction to Functions
- 2. Functions Code Demo
- 3. Default Parameters
- 4. Forward Declaration
- 5. Problem - Find Factorial
- 6. Problem - Find Binomial Coefficient
- 7. Call Stack
- 8. Call Stack Example
- 9. Problem - Check Prime (Root N Optimisation)
- 10. Problem - Binary to Decimal
- 11. Problem - Decimal to Binary
- 11. Pointers
- 1. Address Of Operator
- 2. Pointer Variables
- 3. Dereference Operator
- 4. Pass by References - using Pointers
- 5. Reference Variables
- 6. Pass by Reference - Reference Variables
- 7. Arrays Introduction
- 12. Arrays
- 1. Arrays Code
- 2. Arrays 03
- 3. Arrays 04
- 13. Sorting & Searching Basics
- 1. Linear Search
- 2. Binary Search
- 3. Binary Search Code
- 9. Bubble Sort
- 10. Bubble Sort Code
- 11. Selection Sort
- 12. Selection Sort Code
- 13. Insertion Sort
- 14. Insertion Sort Code
- 14. 2D Arrays
- 1. 2D Array
- 2. 2D Array Storage
- 3. Spiral Print
- 4. Staircase Search
- 5. Staircase Search Code
- 15. Character Data Type
- 1. Introduction
- 2. ASCII Encoding
- 3. Input using cin.get()
- 4. 'cctype' Header
- 5. Challenge - Shortest Path
- 6. Solution - Shortest Path
- 7. Challenge - ABCD Pattern
- 8. Guess the Output
- 16. Character Arrays C-Style Strings
- 1. Character Array Basics
- 2. Inputing Char Arrays - cin.getline()
- 3. cstring Library Functions
- 4. Challenge - Password Checker
- 5. String Comparison
- 6. Challenge - Count Letter Types
- 7. 2D Character Arrays
- 17. C++ Strings
- 1. [Pre-requiste]
- 2. Strings Introduction
- 3. Strings Initialisation
- 4. Input using getline()
- 5. String Operators
- 6. String Traversal
- 7. Looking up String Methods - Documentation
- 8. String Methods Demo
- 9. Find Method
- 10. Challenge - Uncomment String
- 18. Dynamic Memory Allocation
- 1. Dynamic Memory Allocation Introduction
- 2. Dynamic Memory Allocation - 1D Array
- 3. Dynamic Memory Allocation - 2D Array
- 19. Bitmasking Techniques
- 1. Check OddEven Number
- 2. Get ith Bit
- 3. Set ith Bit
- 4. Clear ith Bit
- 5. Update ith Bit
- 6. Clear last i bits
- 7. Clear Bits in Range
- 8. Challenge - Replace Bits
- 9. Challenge - Power of 2
- 10. Counting Set Bits
- 11. Fast Exponentiation
- 12. Decimal to Binary
- 20. Recursion Introduction
- 1. Recursion Introduction
- 2. Factorial
- 3. Fibonacci
- 4. Sorted Array
- 5. Increasing Decreasing Number
- 21. Introduction to Object Oriented Programming
- 1. OOPS 01
- 2. Classes & Objects
- 3. OOPS 03
- 4. OOPS 04 Getters & Setters
- 5. OOPS 05
- 6. OOPS 06
- 7. OOPS 07
- 8. OOPS 08
- 9. OOPS 09