面向程序员的现代 C++ 快速入门
Quick Start to Modern C++ for Programmers
- 01. Introduction
- 01. Introduction
- 03. Windows Compiler Installation (2)
- 05. Linux Compiler Installation (2)
- 07. Course Manual
- 09. Visual Studio Code Setup
- 10. CC++ Runner
- 02. Basics
- 01. Integers, Floats and Chars
- 02. Bool, If, Ternary
- 03. For, While Loop and Increment
- 04. Functions
- 05. Headers and Include Guards
- 06. Debugging, Debug vs. Release
- 07. Enum, Enum Class and Switch
- 08. Structs, Designated Init and Casting
- 09. Auto and Uniform Initilization
- 10. Const, Constexpr and Static
- 11. Static Functions and Namespaces
- 12. Coding Exercise 2
- 03. Memory
- 1. C Arrays and stdarray
- 2. Characters, C-Strings and stdstring
- 3. Call by Value vs. Call by Reference
- 4. Pointer
- 5. NewDelete and Nullptr
- 6. RValue and LValue
- 7. Coding Exercise 3
- 04. STL Container
- 1. stdvector and ranged for
- 2. stdspan and Function Overload
- 3. stdpair, stdtuple and Structured Binding
- 4. stdmap
- 5. Simple Template Functions
- 6. Typedef and Using
- 7. Iterator
- 8. Inserter
- 9. Coding Exercise 4
- 05. Strings and Files
- 1. stdstring
- 2. stdstring_view and Small String Optimization
- 3. Input and Output Files
- 4. stdfilesystem
- 5. Coding Exercise 5
- 06. Lambdas and more STD Features
- 01. stdrandom
- 02. stdchrono
- 03. stdchronoDate
- 04. stdnumeric_limits
- 05. Lambda Function
- 06. stdgenerate and Local Static Variables
- 07. stdtransform, stdaccumulate
- 08. stdremove, stdsort, stdreplace
- 09. stdmin, stdmax, stdequal, stdany, stdall, stdnone
- 10. stdfunction
- 11. Coding Exercise 6
- 07. Classes and Inheritance
- 1. Classes
- 2. Inheritance and Abstract Class
- 3. Polymorphism
- 4. Class Templates
- 5. Operator Overload
- 6. Copy and Move
- 08. Templates, Traits and Concepts
- 1. Template Specalization
- 2. Type Traits
- 3. Concepts
- 4. Variadics and Fold Expressions
- 5. Coding Exercise 8
- 09. Modern STD Features
- 01. stdoptional
- 02. stdvariant
- 03. stdany
- 04. Attributes
- 05. stdranges
- 06. stdformat
- 07. stdunique_ptr
- 08. stdshared_ptr
- 09. stdweak_ptr
- 10. stdexception
- 10. Threads and Async
- 1. stdthread
- 2. stdmutex
- 3. stdasync
- 11. Conclusion
- 1. Conclusion