C++ 中的套接字编程(Windows)
Socket Programming In C + + (Windows)
- 1. Introduction
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Introduction To Sockets
- 1. What Are Sockets
- 2. Connection Oriented and Connection less sockets
- 3. IP Addresses (Version 4 and Version 6)
- 4. Blocking Vs Non Blocking sockets
- 5. Understanding Network Byte Order
- 6. Important Structures To know before you start
- 3. Setting Up Windows Dev Environment
- 1. Socket Programming On Windows
- 2. Setting Up the Windows OS for Socket Programming
- 3. Sample Program to test the readiness of your system
- 4. Hands On With Socket Programming (TCP) - Single Client Socket Server
- 1. Opening A Socket
- 2. Setting Socket Options
- 3. Make your socket blocking vs non blocking
- 4. Binding your socket to local port
- 5. Accepting The New connection from client
- 6. Communicating with new client connected
- 7. Client Socket Code
- 8. Demo Of Client Server Running Code
- 5. Hands on With Socket Programming - Multi client Handling
- 1. Open a New Socket As Listener
- 2. Introduction to FD_SET and Preparing the select list
- 3. select system call waiting to new clients
- 4. Accepting a new client connection
- 5. Start Communication With New client
- 6. Client Code To Communicate to Server
- 7. Multiple Client and one Server Communication Demo
- 6. UDP Socket Programs Hands On
- 1. Code for UDP Server
- 2. Code For UDP Client
- 3. Demo Communication Between client and server
- 7. Leftovers
- 1. Part 1 - gethostname and gethostbyname use
- 2. Part -2 send and recv flag argument
- 3. Part - 3 Remaining Important APIs