面向初学者的 C++ 竞赛编程基础知识
Competitive programming basics for beginners using C + +
- 1. Introduction to Content
- 1. Course content
- 2. Time complexity analysis
- 1. Meaning
- 2. Big O & Big θ notations
- 3. Tips and Shortcuts
- 1. Tips & layout making
- 4. Arrays
- 1. Arrays concept & operations
- 2. Practice problem 1 - missing number
- 3. Practice problem 2 - Prefix sum
- 5. Kadane's algorithm
- 1. Kadane's Algo Concept & solved example
- 6. Binary Search
- 1. Binary search Algo Concept & solved example
- 7. Number Theory
- 1. Prime number detection
- 2. Factors of a number
- 3. Sieve of Eratosthenes
- 8. C++ Standard Template Library
- 1. Vectors, Queues and Stacks
- 9. Recursion
- 1. Recursion concept & solved example
- 10. Conclusion
- 1. Final Instructions